Category: music

Download Music : Bri Babineaux – He’s My Rock

Bri Babineaux – Stellar Awards Winning songstress premiers “He’s My Rock“.

The Worship leader demonstrates her eclectic musical taste with this thrilling song of faith.

With a subtle acoustic guitar, bluesy piano chords and a southern-styled rhythm section supporting her, Babineaux belts out this comforting reminder that God is the rock on which we should stand.

It builds into a rousing climax and then closes with a sweet segue into the hymn, “The Solid Rock.”

Recall that Bri Babineaux released her sophomore album The Encounter, an 11-track project filled with intense worship sessions all available HERE

Watch Bri Babineaux – He’s My Rock

Mountains rise and fall
Seasons come and go
Father through it all, one thing that I know
I can trust in you

People let you down
And life is filled with pain
Falling to the ground
On my knees to say
I can trust in you

He’s my rock
On a solid rock
I stand

He’s My Rock
On a solid rock
I stand

You were faithful in the storm
I was never left alone
So, in every mountain high
And every valley low
I will trust in you

He’s My Rock
On a solid rock
I stand

He’s My Rock
On a solid Rock
I stand

When the stormy winds blow
I know where I will go
In the sun or the rain
I will call on your name

When the stormy winds blow
I know where I will go
In the sun or the rain
I will call on your name
I’ll hold on to your truth
God I’m standing on you

He’s my rock
On a solid rock
I stand

He’s my rock
On a solid rock
I stand

On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand

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Download EP : Phylex – God Answers Prayer ( Full Zip Download)

Phylex, the young pop star ushering the sub-genre “afrogospel” culled out of the popular african music genre Afrobeat in direct will and alignment to propagate the gospel of God almighty through music. “Phylex” debut this contents as his first musical project “God Answers Prayers (GAP)” to consolidate his presence in the entertainment industry.

However, with the definition of his music as Hope, Gratitude, love, Laughter and Fulfilment. the said project does not take a drift off but louds and revolves more with the infusion of heavy-metal drums kicks, percussions, melodial vocal rendition and many more, with arrangement and creative production aid from Emmystrings Beats, Kobitz, Kk2nice and vocals from Amose, Bazzy and Empress Speaks as featured artists on the Project GAP (God Answers Prayers) and concise music style.

GAP (God Answers Prayers)   is a musical story that reflect truth and life and will surely gets you bumping your heads for so long.


1. Gap (Intro) (Feat. Bazzy & Empress Speaks)     
2. Dear God      

3. Okay (God Is Enough)      

4. Pray (Feat. Amose)      

5. Race       


Zipped Folder Here

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Download Music : Wilder – WILDER

Official Music Video for “Wilder” by WILDER.

“Wilder” was written by Stefan Cashwell, Lindsey Sweat, and Jessie Early during a Maverick City Music camp. This song was captured at their live recording at Oglethorpe Chapel in Atlanta and features the Maverick City Music Choir along with many other WILDER family and friends in the room that night.

You can also stream “Wilder” on the TRIBL app, and the self titled first release, Wilder, everywhere you listen to music!

Watch WILDER by Wilder


The breath inside my lungs is a gift from you
And I can’t help but give back my gratitude

Everything around me sings of something holy And I know, yes I know its you

Your love is wilder
Your love is wilder
Your praise is rising up inside my soul
You’re full of wonder
You’re like no other
I could live forever in the overflow.
I’ll live forever in the overflow.

Oh the untamed heart of heaven, so wild and free
We join with all creation, Oh let us sing!

Everything around me shouts of your glory And I want to be that way too

There is no end
No end to your heart Because everywhere I am Is everywhere you are.

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Its Obviously that time of the year again CHRISTMAS a season of Joy, Love and Excitement while reminiscing on God’s greatest gift to Mankind Little Baby Jesus.

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Download Music : SOGI – Okey Sokay

Following his extensively accepted single GOOD (Jesus you are so good) which has now become an anthem around the world, ROX Nation’s Artiste Okey Sokay drops another follow-up single that would definitely be on the lips of every tribe, nation and people all around the world.

“SOGI” (which is the Igbo way of saying “Only You”) is a song of thanksgiving by Okey Sokay. Infused with melodies that’ll trigger uncontrollable emotions and lyrics that’ll leave you deeply grateful, “SOGI” is a sound that will get stuck in your heart effortlessly.

In his words, Okey Sokay stated that this song was birthed from a place of “looking at where I come from and where he has brought me to; The seasons where I was insulted, disregarded, laughed at; when I had to sleep on a bare floor for a period of 2 years, sleeping from one studio to the next for 4years, even when I almost had my arm and leg amputated and how I struggled to pay my fees through school. Going down the memory lane and seeing where I’m at currently I can only say THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE FOR ME”

SOGI which has @Timgodfreyworld as the Executive Producer was produced by @Drroysignature and Mastered by @Sokaymix.


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As I sit
To think about the things
That you’ve done
Where you’ve brought me from
And where you’re leading me to daddy
I stand in awe
Of your wonderful works
You have done
So many marvelous things


So gi ne nyem ndu
(You are my life giver)
So gi na gwom oria
(You are my healer)
So gi ne dum uzo
(You alone leads me)
So gi na zoputam
( You are my saviour )


Thank you Jesus Christ
Yo yo yo
For all you’ve done for me
Yo yo you


My soul will sing
Halle Halle Halle


So ne
(You are my life giver)
(You are my healer)
So ne dum
(You alone leads me)
( You are my

Follow Okey Sokay on all social media platforms – @okeysokay

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Download Mp3 : I Will Praise You – Hillsong Worship

Grammy Award winning Worship Band Hillsong Worship, finally release her first studio album “Awake” in almost two decades, With her 36 years of vibrant and a tradition of live worship records.

Featuring the vocals of Brooke Ligertwood, Joel Houston, Taya, and Aodhan King, “Awake” is comprised of 12 newly penned tracks. It includes three bonus live/digital versions of “See the Light,” “No One But You,” and the group’s first single “King of Kings,” which continues to climb the charts with 4 million plus global audio streams and over 2 million YouTube views (live performance video).

Here is the track I Will Praise You off the 15-Track Project

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I Will Praise You – Lyrics

Your love came first
Before I knew the cross You carried
Now free at last
I’ll freely give as I’ve been given

For everything You’ve done
And everything to come

I will praise You
Live to glorify Your name
Forever anthem Your acclaim
Lord I will sing Your praise

Should words fall short
May they fall in honest worship
Till all I am
Breaks in reverence at Your feet

For everything You’ve done
And everything to come

I will praise You
Live to glorify Your name
Forever anthem Your acclaim
Lord I will sing Your praise

I will praise You
In the promise and the pain
For as long as life remains
Still I will sing Your praise

The first and last
The Alpha and Omega
God the great I Am
Who was and is and is to come
Almighty One
Blessed Father Son and Spirit
God Emmanuel is with us
Here and now and then forevermore

You rule in love
You reign in peace
You set me free
You owned the cross
You broke through death
Took back the keys
Your kingdom come
All the earth will shout with heaven
For You’ve always held the glory
And You always will

I will praise You
Live to glorify Your name
Forever anthem Your acclaim
Lord I will sing Your praise

I will praise You
In the promise and the pain
For as long as life remains
Still I will sing Your praise

Yeah I will sing Your praise

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Download Mp3 : Come Alive (Live) – Hillsong Worship

Grammy Award winning Worship Band Hillsong Worship, finally release her first studio album “Awake” in almost two decades, With her 36 years of vibrance and a tradition of live worship records.

Featuring the vocals of Brooke Ligertwood, Joel Houston, Taya, and Aodhan King, “Awake” is comprised of 12 newly penned tracks. It includes three bonus live/digital versions of “See the Light,” “No One But You,” and the group’s first single “King of Kings,” which continues to climb the charts with 4 million plus global audio streams and over 2 million YouTube views (live performance video).

Staying true to their roots, “Awake” does not depart from what people have grown to love and cherish with Hillsong Worship’s live albums, but rather hones and brings into clarity and fresh, vibrant color what has always been.

Here is the track Come Alive off the 15-Track Project

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Come Alive (Lyrics)

Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Awake arise
Inhale the light
Come alive come alive
I’m gonna sing to you dry bones
Until you’re covered in life
And the valley blooms
Like a rosebud in the light
Hear the call to attention
Feel the change in the air
For the ground is dry
But the clouds are overhead

I’m gonna sing it again

Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Awake arise
Inhale the light
Come alive come alive

Are you waiting on Heaven
Or is it waiting on you
For the Holy Ghost is already in the room


So you better get ready
‘Cause who knows what He’ll do
Where the four winds blow there’s a breakthrough breaking through

I’m gonna prophesy again

Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Awake arise
Inhale the light
Come alive come alive

Come alive alive
Get up and rise rise

So leave those shackles in the grave now
And dance like you were young
You do not have to live in chains now
There’s a key within your song

So leave the past where it belongs child
And take a leap into the Light
Find the freedom you were born for
And tell that soul to rise
Arise arise arise

Get up and rise rise

I’ll sing it again

Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Come alive come alive come alive dry bones
Awake arise
Inhale the light
Come alive come alive

Come alive come alive
Come alive come alive
Come alive

Up from the ashes
A new life is born
Up from the ashes
Flesh on the bone

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Reliable [Music + Video] – Jimmy D Psalmist

Gospel minister, Jimmy D Psalmist storms out again with another powerful melody released along with its music video titled “Reliable” — This is a song dedicated to his newly born daughter to the Glory of God.

“If you are ready for that destiny changing power, that chain breaking fire then there’s a God who is ever reliable and dependable to send that power…” – Jimmy D Psalmist

‘Reliable’ is produced by Ebenezer Iriemi.

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Jimmy D Psalmist is a Gospel minister, song writer and a recording artiste. He is also a renowned worship and praise leader in Shepherds House Assembly Int’l, Abuja. Overtime, His songs have earned him numerous awards and nomination.

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“Good God” Gospel Force glints fresh music.

Endearing Nigerian Rock band Gospel Force releases fresh single dubbed “Good God”.

“Good God” is metallic, virtuous, and powerful. Symbolic of Gospel Force sound, the song is aggressive and literally puts the lyrics in one’s face. Typical of Rock music, the tone and mood is festive and backs the theme of the song which is in praise of God.

The new single is coming after the Rock band initiated their “Rock Goes to School” tour, an evangelism initiative. The first edition saw the boys lightening up University of Lagos (UNILAG).

Good God was produced by Mr. Wols for Greenland Sound Factory.

Listen, Download & Share.

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Download : Indestructible Soul – Jeremy Camp

Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Jeremy Camp makes quite an impression with his new album “The Story’s Not Over“.

Here is the song Indestructible Soul off the awe-inspiring album.

“The Story’s Not Over” which is Camps’ 12th album also contains awe-inspiring songs like “Dead Man Walking” and “Still Alive“.

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Camp wrapped the Hits Deep Tour with TobyMac this spring and has been heavily involved with the biopic feature film about his life – I Still Believe, which chronicles the Camp’s personal story of love, loss and faith.

I Still Believe is being produced by the Erwin Brothers’ (I Can Only Imagine, Woodlawn) newly-formed studio, Kingdom, in association with Lionsgate and is scheduled for a March 2020 release.


My flesh may fail me, but my future is secure
These lies may break me down, but one thing is for sure

I will fight again
Find the fire again
For me to live is Christ and to die is gain
I give it all away
Cause these worldly things will not be the end of me

I know my soul is indestructible
When I’m standing in Your love
My fear, it turns to dust
I’ve got this hope, and it’s unbreakable
No power’s strong enough
Nothing can overcome
My indestructible soul
My indestructible soul

I’m walking in the truth that life is in Your hands
Knowing You go before me helps me understand

That You’re my defense
What can stand against
I know the darkness has no chance
How You lift me up
Keep my eyes above

And now I’m running free
There’s no fire, there’s no pain
That can take my peace away
There’s no wall I can’t climb
When it’s You that leads the way

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