[Album] The Dawn – Dr. John Mo
Dawn is the first appearance of light in the morning. Believers are saved and instructed to shine as lights in the world. As such, the world has to feel the believers’ presence and impact.
The light we radiate is the solution to the darkness of our world, and Dr. John Mo believes his music ministry is a new dawn that is rich to reach the world, impact it for the glorification of God.
Isaiah 58:8 begins with “Then shall your light break forth like the dawn…”. This debut album of Dr. John Mo, titled The Dawn, is the dawning of soulful, inspiring, and scintillating gospel melodies meant for the church and beyond. The Dawn is a prelude to much more to come from Dr. John Mo – a graced minstrel.
“The Dawn” is a ten-track album put together not just to serenade the listener but to bless and lift up his or her spirit in an atmosphere of worship, and to glorify the Lord our saviour.
The album is available now on all music streaming platforms.
Album Tracklist:
Track 1: My Worship
This song depicts the expression of a worshipper worshipping in spirit and in truth, and always hungry for God’s presence. It is soothing to the soul and spirit of a listener and highly contagious.
Track 2: Hallelujah
This is a scintillating praise/worship song likened to the kind of songs for our worship together with the angels in eternity. It is a song you would sing forever and ever! Selah.
Track 3: Let It Flow
This song paints worship as what flows from the heart through the channel (man’s spirit). It emphasizes that this channel must be opened to allow your worship flow acceptably to God alone who deserves it all. The ambience in this song is captivating and charismatic.
Track 4: Fight These Battles
This song was received after an attack on Dr. John Mo. The song therefore recognizes and talks about the God of vengeance who fights and wins all our battles, making us victorious. This vengeance song featuring Hope Ime, is what you need on your lips when the battle rages.
Track 5: Desperate For You
Craving for more of God and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit is an endless experience in the lives of desperate believers. This song featuring Deborah BillyBen is a full expression of this passion and hunger. You can say it is deep and warm.
Track 6: Living On You
If you recognize or you want to be reminded of your dependence and reliance as a branch on the vine (Jesus), this soul-touching soft-rock serenade is what you need to hear. Dr. John Mo essentially talks in this song in such a manner that gets you into an attitude of gratitude.
Track 7: Jesus Is The King
The kingship and lordship of Jesus is not contestable. This irresistible sound expresses this truth in various Nigerian dialects in an amazing fashion. Tessy Praise, the featured artiste, coloured this song with a unique and irresistible tune.
Track 8: All My Life
This soul-touching thanksgiving melody portrays Dr. John Mo’s gratitude to Jesus for the way Jesus made for him and the light He’s shone on the way, getting him to stardom. He recalls his experiences in his early days of hardship in darkness, even in his school days. Hear the testimony in this song.
Track 9: Free Indeed
Freedom brings excitement! He that the Son sets free is free indeed. This is the story in this song of excitement that talks of the freedom Christ gave to man right from the cross at Calvary where He said “it is finished”. You’d want to hear this energetic song of freedom again and again.
Track 10: What Wisdom Is This?
Singing about God’s wisdom and the incomparable depth with a reggae tune could be intriguing and fascinating. The song gets your reggae steps on the dance floor. This twist from Dr. John Mo is unbelievable!
All the songs in this album were written by John Momoh. Filblinks (Track 5), Dr. Simmy (Track 2) and Dbeat Hyness (Track 8) produced one track each. The main producer, Soji Adesola produced seven of the ten tracks in the album.
Physical copies of the album are available in the following locations:
1. The Bookshop,
Living Faith Church, Jahi,
Along Kubwa Express Road,
Abuja, Nigeria.
2. IC World Emporia Centre,
Wole Soyinka Avenue,
Gwarimpa Estate,
Abuja, Nigeria.