Who Will Win The 2023 Elections?
If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.
This is the question that is on the mind of every Nigerian citizen. These are grave times and there is a silent but building tension on everyone as regards who wins the much coveted seat of power – the presidency.
This is because this person, being at the helm of affairs, will either plunge Nigeria deeper into the pit of despondency that is looming over her or begin to rescue her from the damage she has suffered and continues to suffer.
With the elections drawing closer, I have been mulling over the concept of choice; its cause and effect. Everything we do involves having to make a decision.
For instance, it’s a choice I am making by writing this piece. I could decide against it and I would not have to put this out here. I could also pen this down and decide not to share it with anyone but when I put it out here like I’m doing now, I have little to no control over what happens thereafter.
I can put out my thoughts but you can form your opinion. Before you make a choice, the power lies with you. But once you make that choice, you invariably relinquish the power you had over it and ultimately, the choice makes you.
That is to say, there is a power tussle between you and your choices. And the dynamics can be crazy because one moment you can be in control and the next moment, things are spiralling out of control because of the decision you took. Inadvertently, we get to choose what makes us. I digress a bit; but not without cause.
Coming back to the matter at hand; whoever we choose to lead us, we rescind our power to. There may be powers that be, but the will of the people should be the power of the day except if the definition of democracy has changed.
If a people can no longer be heard or be allowed to decide who governs them, then that is no longer democracy, it is abuse. If we say we’re a democratic country, then we should be allowed to live it out fully.
The crux of the matter is for us to do our due diligence and exercise our franchise. Posterity will not forgive us if we don’t take the right stand today. Needless to say, our choice has a ripple effect. It can make the coming days better or worse.
The difficulties we are facing at the moment with the new cash situation, fuel scarcity, insecurity, inflation, to mention but a few could take on a different turn depending on the stand we take.
We are all clamouring for a new Nigeria and I put it to you that a new Nigeria begins with your choice. As you choose to be a patriot, a law-abiding citizen who is not ignorant of their rights, a new Nigeria is birthed. The stand to do what is right and to uphold justice for all is what takes us there.
A system that works doesn’t just come to be; it takes deliberate effort on the part of everyone – the government and the nationals.
Abraham Lincoln wisely said and I quote “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
We have been defrauded in times back but this is the time we collectively take a stand. If you won’t invest your hard-earned money in just any stock without carrying out due diligence and ensuring that your funds are safe to a reasonable extent, why then should you be nonchalant about who is in power?
Do not forget that the policies and decisions they make will affect everything about you – from your security as a citizen to the economy of the nation to the quality of life. “E go touch everybody”. The funny thing is that the common man is the most afflicted.
This is not to tell you to vote in a particular candidate into power but rather, that you should make an informed decision. You don’t invest your money based solely on sentiments; you invest because you need profit.
Then why invest your power in someone entirely because of sentiments and bigotry without asking the right questions and proven track records? This should be our deaf era.
Are you not tired of hearing promises and not having them fulfilled? We want to see results. That should be the driving force behind your vote.
You might say you won’t vote but according to William James with which I agree, “when you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice”.
So, who will win the elections this year? Let’s find out at the polls. Our vote is our voice and it’s high time our voice is heard loud and clear.