Unspoken To Play New Music During Interactive Online Event September 20
Centricity Music recording artist Unspoken is set to play new, never-before-heard music during an interactive online event open to anyone next week (9/20). See the full announcement from Unspoken’s Chad Mattson below.
Excited to announce we’re doing another At Home Concert Experience show on September 20th, 6:30pm CST. However, THIS ONE IS GONNA BE SPECIAL!
We’re going to be playing brand new, never before heard songs that we’re hoping to release in the near future.

If you’re not familiar with an AHCX show, we’ll be able to see you, talk to you, and sing with you throughout the entire night, all from the comfort of your own home!
Go to http://Soldiersforfaith.com and register for FREE today, or click the link below.
*VIP will be opened up first*
See you there! – Chad