The Love You Need For Valentine’s
It’s almost that time of the year again; Valentine’s, The red season when couples often go out of their way to celebrate the love they have for each other and when singles are berated about how single they are.
Wherever you turn, you can’t miss the posters of online vendors advertising valentine sales or the shopping malls that already have valentine decors and gifts on display, or the comedy skits serving as a constant reminder that the big day is just around the corner.
Perhaps you’ve come to dread this day because of all the pressure that comes with it. It could be that you feel in over your head or the celebration has become a ritual to you; something you do without putting in much thought.
It could also be that you feel so lonely in this season or so unloved you remember you’ve never received a gift on Valentine’s Day and you’re telling yourself that it’s time you begin to respond to your DMs. Or even better, you might be so elated because you know you’re going to receive a lot of packages that you can hardly wait.
Whatever this day signifies to you or in whatever state this day meets you, I want to bring you up to speed on the most important love you need to experience in this season. It is the purest, most unadulterated form of love that every other type of love should be premised on.
Non-arguably, the greatest need of every human is to be loved and to feel loved. So, what if I tell you that the love you’ve been searching for has been staring you right in the face without you knowing? Or maybe you’ve known all along but haven’t taken it as seriously as you should. You see, this love is better experienced personally than heard because words cannot adequately quantify or qualify it.
It is the loudest, most beautiful. and the most sacrificial; the type that gives up all for you. It is the most relentless; the kind that you cannot hide or run away from; that sees your heart, your fears, your struggles, your weaknesses, and everything that you are and doesn’t give up on you. You do not have to prove yourself lovable because it is all the proof that you’ll ever need.
This is the kind of love that pours into you and weathers the storms for you; that is always there for you no matter what; you can bank on it. You can rest assured that it is going anywhere because it is more than butterflies in your belly; it is a knowing assurance, a peace that surpasses all understanding, too wonderful to comprehend, too deep to be grasped by the human mind.
This love is a person. He is the real deal; no games, no manipulation. You will never find another greater love; a love giving Himself up for you; hanging on the tree, arms spread apart, blood dripping from His body, for the whole world to see, declaring boldly “This is how far I’ll go for you. I’m giving you everything.” Tell me what proposal is grander than a man laying down his life so that his lover might enjoy life. It is insanely marvelous.
And you know the best part; He’s enough to go around. He is for everyone; not for a particular person or people. He is the one that makes living or celebrating Valentine’s Day worthwhile. He is a good listener; He hears even the stupidest things you have to say. Your overall well-being is his priority.
There’s a lot He wants to do for and in you if only you’d let Him. He wants to cater to your tender heart and heal all the places that have been hurt. He wants to show you what it means to be truly loved if you allow Him to.
He is in your dm; always trying to get your attention; knocking on the door of your heart; hoping that you would open up and invite Him in because He is such a gentleman, He will not do anything without your permission.
Perhaps, you’ve never heard of Him or you do know Him but aren’t quite serious with Him yet or you ghosted Him, it is time for you to reconsider Him. His name is Jesus Christ. It might not always look like it but He has only your best interests. Develop an intimate relationship and every other thing will follow and it wouldn’t matter if you’re single on Valentine’s Day or not because you would have found the most important love you need.
Experience a love that transcends this season. Decide for Jesus today. This is the best thing you can do for yourself.