Sinach joins forces with friends to premier “Always Win”.
Sinach, Internationally favored Gospel music empress joins forces with Martin PK, Jeremy Innes, Cliff M, Farlon Lyte M, Brian Kim, Zefanate Worship, Soraya Moraes on soulful single Always Win.
Over the past few months we have all witnessed a shaking like we have never seen before. While many are talking about economic impact at corporate level not many are paying attention to individuals whose hearts, mind, family and finances have been greatly effected by these events.
These lyrics are not only inspiring, they are also full of faith declarations. I pray that as you sing along from different parts of the world, it will help you to focus on what is important and will cause a change and turn around in your situation because you can shine in this darkness ! You Will Always Win! You are born for this !
I want to thank my good friends !! @jeremyinnes from Australia @sorayamoraes from Brazil @zafenateworship France @kimbrianmusic from Korea, @bonnyandrews from India, @martin_pk from Africa and @cliffmworldwide & @farlonlyte from AfricaFor doing a great job with their voice !! Enjoy this one my friends ! It’s special year!!
Watch Official Video Below
Let the world tremble
I will not be afraid
Uncertainty before me
I will not be moved
I have blessed assurance
Your word is true
blessed assurance
My future secured
I Know that will always win
Whatever comes my way
I know that I will always win
I’m victories
In the name of the Lord
I’m victories
In the name of the Lord
Foundations be shaken
I will not be afraid
Tongues may rise against me
I will not be moved
Thousands fall beside me
My life you preserve
Greater is He that’s in me
Than he that’s in the world
I Know that will always win
Whatever comes my way
I know that I will always win
I’m victories
In the name of the Lord
I’m victories
In the name of the Lord
I was born for this
I was Made for this
This is my moment
Its my time shine