COGHIVE is basically an online music platform (Gospel music news and media)
In other words a platform for sharing of music contents (mostly beneficial to choirs and gospel music groups) , motivational posts, interaction and musing for like minds.
It’s really not a one man thing ie COGHIVE is a team or group of people (sharing the same vision) having Umama John as it innovator or pioneer and commissioned by Pastor Ben Gin (the Chaplin of Overcomers chapel FPTB) .
Our objectives include :-
- Changing the mediocre perception of gospel music among youths.
- Keeping our audience updated with all the happenings in the gospel music industry (home and abroad).
- Inspiring, motivating and giving hope to our audience.
- Ensuring a standard delivery of Music Consultation to our audience (COGHIVITES).
- Being open to welcome any and every idea that is inline with the points above.
We know so many would be wondering where the whole Christmas in October came from,Well given how long the taste buds of our esteemed audience have been anxious anticipating our official launch we decided to go with a festive theme believing it was the perfect icing for the tasty cake.
You can follow us on the following platforms for more musing, interaction and other exciting packages we have :
Facebook : coghive
Instagram : cog_hive
Twitter: coghive
YouTube : Coghive Media
Soundcloud : Coghive
Or you can contact us at [email protected]
In conspectus and not to be too embellishing, it’s a platform every gospel music fan (esp choristers) would want to associate with.
God bless you