Thrive Worship Collaborate With Australian Songwriter & Worship Leader Mitch Wong With “Coming Back”
Thrive Worship release a new version of their standout song ‘Coming Back’ featuring Mitch Wong. Written by the latter alongside band members Taylor Gall and Mia Fields, ‘Coming Back’ came from their common desire to craft a song bringing worshippers back to the reverence of God’s presence.
“Sometimes our familiarity drags us away from holy wonder and even our genuine love for God,” Mitch says, “So instead of coming to God entitled, this song reminds us to come as grateful and innocent children to a loving and faithful Father.”

Thrive Worship’s collaboration with Australian songwriter and worship leader Mitch Wong offers the Church a fresh opportunity to encounter God in all His holiness, beauty, and joy. Concluding with poignancy, Mitch adds, “We talk about the wonder of God’s presence so much that it’s almost become commonplace, yet [it] is anything but common.” ‘Coming Back’ encapsulates the ardent desire for an authentic relationship with God and extends the invitation to lay down all striving and humbly approach Him.