Worship For Everyone Shares Christmas Worship Song For All Ages In The Church

The joy of Christmas inspired Worship For Everyone’s festive single ‘Come Now And Worship’. The new song tells the Christmas story whilst focusing everything on the call to worship – from the appearance of the angels announcing Jesus’ birth to the arrival of the wise men, bowing down.

‘Come Now And Worship’ is a heartening reminder of the hope we have in Jesus, despite all the troubles of the world. Becky Drake from Worship For Everyone says that, “the chorus beckons us all to come and worship this Christmas time and to fix our eyes and hearts on the Saviour.”

Musically, ‘Come Now And Worship’ is celebrational and congregational, reflecting Worship For Everyone’s passion to bring the whole Church together in worship as the family of God. “It is singable and accessible, with a catchy melody for the youngest among us, but with narrative and truth that will still capture the hearts of older members of the church,” Becky adds. ‘Come Now And Worship’ will encourage us to remember the reason of Christ’s coming and to keep our hearts on this truth.

“Come Now And Worship” is available now.

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Worship For Everyone Releases A Song Of Confident Faith For The Whole Church

Hailing from Birmingham, UK, husband and wife worship leaders Nick and Becky Drake are pioneers of a new all-age worship movement called Worship For Everyone.

They release a new single, ‘Hope’, speaking to young and old hearts alike about the trust we can dare to place in God, even in the midst of our cultural moment. Carrying God’s heart desire to unite His people in corporate worship, Worship For Everyone’s energy and joyful sound are undeniably contagious.

‘Hope’ is a declaration over the Church and a confident statement of faith for listeners and worshipers alike. The new single evolves on a pop soundtrack with elements of rock driven by a spacious and fun guitar line.

As sought-after teachers of the practices and theology of all age worship, Worship For Everyone’s founders Nick and Becky are unveiling a new soundscape for the people of God; one that tells of the life-changing truth of the Gospel through songs that are as approachable as they are innovative. ‘Hope’ continues Worship For Everyone’s legacy, offering a fresh experience of worship for the family of God.

“Hope” is available now.

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[Music] Move – Worship For Everyone

All age worship movement Worship For Everyone are back with a new single just in time for Pentecost!

‘Move’ drives home that the Holy Spirit is accessible to all, reflecting Worship For Everyone’s heart to unite the Church around a new way of experiencing corporate worship.

‘Move’ is a song filled with fun and energy, painting a beautiful picture of the reality of God’s Spirit in our lives.


This time, Worship For Everyone’s Nick and Becky Drake take a back seat as the song is led by the couple’s daughter, Daisy Drake, alongside Noah Smith. The new single is full of 80s synths and drum fills, mixing old school tones with relatable and fresh vibes. With ‘Move’, the UK-based movement bridges the gap between generations and challenges the barriers between what is considered ‘for children’ and ‘for adults’ to instead build the family of God.

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