[Music Video] Ona’bia (Jesus Is Coming) – Anthony Kani

Psalmist and teens Pastor Anthony Kani shares the message on the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the new sound ‘Ona’bia‘ which means He Is Coming.

Recorded over a year ago and is now set to reach the world as instructed by the Lord to release the sound at a time like this.

The new sound is coming at a time and season where the consciousness of the coming of Christ is gradually being set aside, the message is a reminder to awaken the body of Christ and prepare the saints for the coming of our Lord.

Ona’bia is an old song. However, it is refixed to reactivate the message it carries. The verse of the song is anchored on Matthew 24

Anthony Kani, as a psalmist, has released great sounds that have blessed the body of Christ, especially the just released global sound ‘Yahweh Remix‘ featuring Minister GUC.

Ona’bia – Anthony Kani

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[Music Video] Ebube Dike (Glorious Warrior) – Anthony Kani || @anthonykani

Who can compare, who can stand the great warrior, at the sound of your voice the world quakes. Anointed Psalmist Anthony Kani shares a brand new single ‘Ebube Dike’ (Great Warrior). 

The new single is off his live recording project. He earlier released Yahweh and many other sounds that have become an anthem in many homes across the globe. Anthony’s recent body of work ‘The Secret Place’ album has amassed thousands of views on streaming platforms. 

Anthony Kani is a recording artiste, worship leader and teens coach with the Dominion City Church. 

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Lyrics – Ebube Dike (Glorious Warrior) 

We join the Elders 
We lay our crowns before You
With the Heavens declare Your Majesty 
The earth is filled with Your glory ,  to Your kingdom there is no end 

Ebube Dike (Glorious Warrior)
You are seated on Your Throne 
Chukwu nwe Ike (God who owns strength) , You are Mighty in Your ways 
Ebube Dike 
You are seated on Your Throne 
Chukwu di Nso (Holy God) , You are Holy in Your ways 

For You are Holy and You are Righteous 
None can compare With You are
Mighty in battle 
King of all nations 
Lord only You deserve our Praise

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[Music] What A Beauty to Behold – Anthony Kani

Versatile Nigerian gospel music minister Anthony Kani is out again with yet another amazing song titled What A Beauty To Behold.

The song speaks of the awesomeness, mightiness and the goodness found in the person of Jesus Christ.

Describing the song and revealing the inspiration behind the release of the song, he said; “The Holy Spirit is calling us at this time to a place of safety, rest & peace amidst the turbulent season we currently live in, but this will only become our reality when we learn to fix our hearts on the awesomeness & beauty of Jesus in deep worship.” 

With this song, it is his prayer and desire that through this sound millions of people across the globe will have tangible encounters with the person of Jesus and fall helplessly in love with Him and also experience unusual miracles.

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