REVERE Unveils New Series Of “Unscripted” Brazilian Singles
REVERE is a collective of worship and church leaders who are artists, songwriters, and content creators living out the reverential worship of the person of Jesus.
That message has been resonating in the hearts of a group of Brazilian worship leaders and songwriters, bringing us to gather with them earlier this year. During this time of learning the word, song writing, and unscripted recording, the song ‘Contemple (O Rei Da Gloria)’ emerged. Isaías Saad, an established Brazilian Christian artist with a following of millions, interpreted the song in his native language of Portuguese.
‘Contemple (O Rei Da Gloria)’’ is the translated version of ‘Behold (King Of Glory)’, a song pointing all glory back to God with passion and reverence at its core. The simple and sober arrangement amplifies the power of the moment when ‘Contemple (O Rei Da Gloria)’ was recorded “unscripted” as the new song captures a sense of ultimate devotion, respect, and honor towards the Lord.
“Contemple (O Rei Da Gloria)” is available now.