Rachael Lampa Marks World Down Syndrome Day With Release Of “Superpowers”
Singer/songwriter Rachael Lampa shares a personal track titled “Superpowers.” Lampa debuts the new song on World Down Syndrome Day.
Superpowers is here!!! I could’ve never imagined that my life could be so flipped upside down in the most steadying way. That everything would change, but also stay the same. That I could feel like peaceful river while also having a roaring lion inside ready to defend and make a way if there isn’t one. I am changed by Leo. I am changed by his Down Syndrome diagnosis. I have never felt so at home in myself and in my heart. Happy World Down Syndrome Day to all and I hope you enjoy, dance, laugh, cry, post, and tag me as we shout about the Superpowers of our loved ones! -Lampa
Rachael Lampa Marks World Down Syndrome Day With Release Of “Superpowers”
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