Nokulunga Mabuza Release Her Debut Ep ‘Rest’ || @noku_lungi
Born and raised in Nelspruit, South Africa, Nokulunga discovered her love for music at a tender age and was blessed with music teachers in school who encouraged her in her passions and developed her love and confidence for performing.
She came to Johannesburg in pursuit of her tertiary qualifications (BAccSci) which she completed at the university of Witwatersrand and is now a CA (SA). Her EP titled Rest which was released this year has been nominated in two categories at the INGOMA Music Awards 2022: Best Contemporary Gospel Album / Best Gospel Music Video.
“This offering was birthed from a very low and challenging time in my life where I felt rejected, forsaken, and unlovable. Through spending time in the Word of God I was reminded of who I am, of who Jesus is, and of how much God loves me, unconditionally. Not because of anything I have done but simply because love is His nature. God is love.” – Nokulunga
Track list
1. Rest
Inspired by the Psalm 62:1
In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, “come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” He says, “take my yoke upon you and learn from me”.
Jesus also likens us to sheep in the Bible and unlike a donkey or a camel, sheep were never made to carry loads so in the same way we were never made to carry our own burdens. That is why
Jesus urges us to take upon us His yoke. For His yoke is easy and his burden is light. I was reminded in these scriptures that only Jesus can give us peace and fulfilment. Regardless of the challenges we face resting in Him is trusting in Him and that is what anchors us through the storms of life.
Watch Music Video Below:
2. Umbuso
A Zulu word meaning “Kingdom” taken from the Lord’s Prayer – “Your Kingdom come your will be done”.
More than just a prayer this song is a call to action for the children of God. A reminder that the only way for the Kingdom of Heaven to be established here on earth is through us taking a stand, doing the will of the father, and speaking His will into our situations and circumstances. In Genesis 1:28 it says God created man and then gave him dominion over the birds in the air, the fish in the sea and every living creature that moves on the earth.
We have dominion, we have authority here on earth. And we have divine empowerment because the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead resides in us.
Watch Music Video Below:
3. Lifter of my head
Inspired by Psalm 3
Jesus protects us but more than that He restores us. If we will withhold nothing and bring our full selves to Him, he is a restorer of broken hearts, broken dreams, and lost vision. Nothing surprises God, our missteps and faults do not get in the way of what He has planned for us. Doesn’t matter why you did; He has not changed His mind about You because He knew everything about you before He called and chose you.
4. Everything
This upbeat, fun track really is me just basking in the realization and knowledge that Jesus is everything I need. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these other things shall be added unto you. We spend time chasing all these other things through our own efforts and plans not
realizing that there is a simpler way to lead life. Trusting in Him, resting in Him and loving in a heart-posture of total surrender.
Watch Music Video Below:
Bookings: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nokulunga_mabuza
Twitter: https://twitter.com/noku_lungi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgSeoWSbv7ZibGNCO3FxHkg