Category: music

[Download] No Fake In You – Kel Joshua Ft. Rhema Echezu

Nigerian singer, Kel Joshua wraps up the year with a brand new single titled “No Fake in You” featuring Rhema Echezu.

The song speaks of the unwavering nature of God. In him, there’s no variableness and no shadow of turning. It’s a song that makes faith come alive to the listeners and gives hope to them. Has God promised it? He will make it come to pass.

“The Purpose of this sound is to awaken the faith of Many in God because without faith it’s impossible to please God. Every stanza, verse, and chorus of this song is littered with hope and peace to the listeners.” – Joshua speaks about the song.

Joshua conceived the song “No Fake in You” after going through the storm of life he said he will still tell the world the story. 

“When you ask God for a song, be ready to go through a storm because that’s where the song is. It was a song received when I was reminiscing on my life’s struggles and pains of the past and lost hope, giving up on life and its chaos.” – He speaks further.

Joshua Ezekiel Ebuka is an ardent follower of Christ who upholds the tenets of his word. He has gone through a Bible institute which built his faith In God through the word, you can literally feel the impact of the word through this song. 

“I believe and pray that this song reaches the ears of everyone it was meant for, even as they listen let hope be restored, and let peace and joy permeate every heart.” 

No Fake In You – Kel Joshua Ft. Rhema Echezu

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[Download] E Tobi – Olumide Zechariah

God is Great and greatly to be praised. This is the summary of what Minister Olumide Zechariah captures in his new single titled E Tobi. This song is a revelation of the truth and power of God and His awesome creation. It explains the power of God’s spoken word. In your time of worship and meditation, this is the tune that should be resounding in the background.

Minister Olumide Zachariah grew up with a passion and singing at a young age. His journey became clearer as his walk with Jesus Christ advanced. He sings to share the good news of God’s

Love to all men. And the style and passion with which he does it complement the understanding of God he holds dearly in his heart. He had his first EP Released in November 2018 and he has since added one more EP and three albums to his list of songs every release has been a beautiful mix of sound message and sweet melody.

E Tobi is the song of the moment and it will remain in our hearts for a very long time. It is available for download across all platforms.

Watch Video Below;

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[Music Video] Walking By Faith – B Jazz Ft. Jay Cleff

One of Nigeria’s profound vocal coaches and pianists, and recording artist, B Jazz is out with a new single off his soon-to-be-released album ”The Gospel”. He features music minister Jayclef in the song.

The song ”Walking By Faith” tells about the efficiency of the finished works of Christ Jesus and knowing we have the authority in our mouth, through the word of God. You can feel the power and anointing over this song when you listen.

Watch “Walking By Faith” Video Below;


Oluwabunmi Samson Fakeye, widely known as Bjazz is an anointed minister of the gospel, songwriter and Pianist. A certified music instructor / educator  and the founder of Bjazz Vocal Academy. He has a strong mandate to take the gospel to the ends of the earth through the new sound. His music is Christ amplified as it resonates with the finished works of Jesus (The Gospel) BJazz is an ambassador of excellence in the music ministry, as it is a major vehicle through which the gospel of Jesus is passed across the world.

 He has worked with notable Grammy award winning gospel Artistes and Nominees such as Kurt Carr, Micah Stampley, Da Truth and Phil Thompson. Also a number of Nigerian gospel music ministers, such as Kenny K’ore, Sinach, Steve Crown, and Freke Umoh, to mention but a few.

He has released two amazing singles titled TELL IT ALL & NO NEED TO WORRY in 2017 and 2019 produced by Efe Mac Roc. He’s coming out with his debut album titled : THE GOSPEL, and it drops in 2023.

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[Music Video] I Know – Duyile Adegbuyida

Singer, songwriter and Pastor, Duyile Adegbuyi‘s latest music release is titled “I Know.”

Produced by music maestro, Evans Ogboi, “I Know” is a song of confession and affirmation of the promises of God contained in the scriptures for us. Daniel 11:32b says “They that know their God shall be strong and do exploit.” 

So proclaim his promises and watch God do wonders in your life.

Watch Video “I Know” Below:


Verse 1:
I will wait on You
I will trust in You
For You are my help
And You are my shield
I will call on You
You will hear my cry
You will save my soul
For you are my God

I know /3x
You are my strength and shield
You are my strength and shield
I believe/3x
You are my hope and peace
You are my hope and peace.

Verse 2:
I will wait on You
I will trust in You
For He is my help
And He is my shield
When I called on Him
He answered me
He renewed my soul
For He is my God

You are my reward
You are my reward
He is my source, my identity
Lord, I put my trust in You
Lord, I put my trust in You
I shall not be ashamed
You’re my living water
That is why I sing.

I know /3x
You are my strength and shield
You are my strength and shield
I believe/3x
You are my hope and peace
You are my hope and peace.


A power packed singer, gospel artiste, worship leader, songwriter, Pastor and a real estate developer based in the United Kingdom.

He conveys his intentions and the Gospel of the Lord with his beautiful voice. His artistic inspiration is not only to help believers release emotional burdens or stress but also to depict how they need to interpret their surroundings and respond to them in light of the word of God. His atmospheric, ambient sound has proven highly influential.

His music tells a story and enlightens his listeners with the true message in the scriptures, and his lyrics are always fascinating, motivating, unique, and filled with the love of God.


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[Download] We Are For Jesus (Praise Medley) – Flyt

Kalisia crooner, Anulika Princess Nwosu a.k.a FLYT has dropped another power-packed gyration praise and thanksgiving medley to celebrate God as the year comes to an end.

The power-packed medley comprises five soul lifting praise songs which are Immutable God, Full Control, Abba Father, God is Good (Testimony), and We are for Jesus.

Talking about the medley, FLYT shared that all songs which are on the medley were written from a place of gratitude to God for with joy we draw waters out of the wells of salvation.

She further stated that the songs are all tailored to bring down the glory of God with all the blessings that flow with it as we enter His gates with praise and thanksgiving songs.

Get your hearts ready to receive from God’s throne of grace with these intimate praise gyration. Celebrate Jesus! Hallelujah!!!

We Are For Jesus (Praise Medley) – Flyt

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[Music Video] Onye Nwere Jesus (Official Video) – Yadah || @yadahworld1

From the stable of SonsHub Media comes the release of this amazing video by Yadah for her single “Onye Nwere Jesus”.

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[Download] So Good To Me – Pat Joe

Fast rising gospel music minister Pat Joe is out with a brand new single titled “So Good To Me“. The artist who recently signed under the Management of TWC Records is set to take her music to a whole new level.

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[Download] Delight – Enkay Ogboruche Ft. Judikay

“Delight” is an embodiment of our testimony in Christ as believers. It casts light on the unwavering love that God has for us. Culled from and inspired by Isaiah 64:4, “Delight” will fan the flames of the love of the Father in your heart as you listen and cause you to walk in the revelation of how Christ sees us.

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[Download] My Daddy My Daddy – Sunmisola Agbebi x Lawrence Oyor

Minister Sunmisola Agbebi is a Nigerian-born songwriter and singer with a unique sound and strong vocal prowess that permeates the heart of everyone who listens to her.

Her debut Koseunti upon release got a wide appeal and became a sound sang by many across the globe.

My Daddy My Daddy was originally written by Lawrence Oyor is refixed by the anointed singer and is powerfully delivered conveying a child’s love to her Father (God).

Scripture reference
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him,and the son of man that you care for him? – Psalm 8:1-4

Watch Video & Download “My Daddy My Daddy” Below;

Lyrics: My Daddy My Daddy By Sunmisola Agbebi x Lawrence Oyor 

Lift your hands to God and just bless him in the spirit
Elevez vos mains à Dieu et bénissez le en Esprit
The secret is just to be intentional
Le secret est juste d’être intentionnel
Close your eyes and call him those names
Fermez vos yeux et appelez le ces noms
Come on, call him daddy as loud as you can
Appelez le Papa aussi fort que vous le pouvez
I can’t hear you.
Je ne vous entends pas
Call him daddy as loud as you can
Appelez le Papa aussi fort que vous le pouvez
Come on, Call him, call him
Allez – y, Appelez-le, appelez-le

You are my daddy
Tu es mon papa
And your baby is singing
Et ton bébé chante
I will be singing and dancing and shouting for the rest of eternity
Je chanterai et danserai et crierai pour le reste de l’éternité

My daddy, my daddy
Mon papa, mon papa
Your baby is singing
Ton bébé chante
I will be singing and dancing and shouting for the rest of eternity
Je chanterai et danserai et crierai pour le reste de l’éternité

You are my daddy
Tu es mon papa
Your baby is screaming
Ton bébé crie
I will be singing and dancing
Je chanterai et danserai

Let’s hear Sumisola on that
Ecoutons Sumisola

My Jesus, my Jesus
Mon Jésus, mon Jésus
Your beloved is singing
Ton bien – aimée chante
I will be singing and shouting and chanting for the rest of eternity
Je chanterai et danserai et chanterai pour le reste de l’éternité

Till the end only you,
jusqu’à la fin,  il n’y a que toi
Till we meet it’s only you
Jusqu’à ce que nous nous rencontrions, il n’y a que toi
Only you
Seulement toi
Only you I love
Il n’y a que toi que j’aime

La la la  la la la
la la la   la la la
la la la   la la la
la la la   la la

He who sits in heaven laughs …x2
Celui qui siège au ciel rit    ….x2
Those who sit in heaven laugh
Ceux qui siègent  au ciel rient
I sit in heaven so I laugh
Je siège au ciel, donc je ris

Ha ha ha   ha ha ha
ha ha ha   ha ha ha
He who sits in heaven laughs
Celui qui siège au ciel rit
We sit in heaven so we laugh
Nous siégeons au ciel, donc nous rions

My father, my father
Mon père, mon père
Your baby is singing
Ton bébé chante
I will be singing and dancing and shouting for the rest of eternity
Je chanterai et danserai et crierai pour le reste de l’éternité

My maker, my husband
Mon créateur, mon mari
Your darling is screaming
Ton chéri(e) crie
I will be singing and dancing and shouting for the rest of eternity
Je chanterai et danserai et crierai pour le reste de l’éternité

My daddy, my daddy
Mon papa, mon papa
Your best friend is singing
Ton meilleur ami chante
I will be singing and dancing and shouting for the rest of eternity
Je chanterai et danserai et crierai pour le reste de l’éternité

My lover, my lover
Mon amoureux
Your love is singing
Ton amour chante
I will be singing and dancing and shouting for the rest of eternity
Je chanterai et danserai et crierai pour le reste de l’éternité

Jehovah, Jehovah – Jehovah, Jehovah
Jéhovah, Jéhovah – Jéhovah, Jéhovah
Jehovah, Jehovah – Jehovah, Jehovah
Jéhovah, Jéhovah – Jéhovah, Jéhovah
Jehovah, Jehovah – Jehovah, Jehovah
Jéhovah, Jéhovah – Jéhovah, Jéhovah
Jehovah, Jehovah – Jehovah, Jehovah
Jéhovah, Jéhovah – Jéhovah, Jéhovah

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[Music] Joy To The World (Joyful, Joyful) Live From Anaheim – Phil Wickham Ft. Brandon Lake

Award-winning artist, songwriter, and worship leader Phil Wickham recently shared a live tour video of his Christmas song “Joy To The World (Joyful, Joyful)” featuring Brandon Lake.

The video was recorded at a sold-out show in Anaheim, CA.

Joy To The World (Joyful, Joyful) – Phil Wickham Ft. Brandon Lake

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