[Music] With Love – Tia McGraff
A great buildup of emotion, Tia McGraff delivers true tenderness on the sweetness of “With Love”. Sung with honeyed vocals, the lyricism has a Valentine’s Day splendor to them.
The arrangement builds up in a way that has a soothing disposition to it. Over the course of the journey the way she brings the rest of the band has a communal presence. Electric and acoustic come together playing off each other’s strengths.
By keeping a unique balance the song has a timelessness to all of it, with the song sprawling out into the seemingly infinite. Word choice matters for she makes sure the verses intersect to create vivid patterns.
Mere wisps of sound start things off. Her voice and a single acoustic guitar accompany her. From that point the rest of the trip gets mapped out in full. Energy pours out of the song with each twist and turn of the group. Inclusion of the keyboards is a fine touch bringing to mind the right mixture of the new and old.
She touches upon elements of the blues though hers is a feeling of pure uncut defiance, of a desire to rise above any possible obstacle. Quite skillfully she lets the whole of the band race up with the final stretch of the song simply melting away into a delirious blur.
“With Love” revels in the large and small details for Tia McGraff makes sure that the track touches upon thee