[Music Review] You First Loved Me – Lady Redneck
Whether through patriotic themes, or tributes to her faith, Lady Redneck is establishing herself as a powerhouse in the Christian Country genre. With her latest single, You First Loved Me, she continues the trend of devotion to her faith. This down-tempo ballad utilizes a simple yet effective melody to underlie the soprano vocal performance Lady Redneck is attributing to her signature sound style.
What we have, in essence, is a lyrical presentation where the vocals have become their own solo instrument, not so much in the Acappella feel, but rather a continuation of the dynamic range of the piano accompaniment.
With Lady Redneck slipping in and out of key to the main melody, it creates a tension that draws the listener in and accentuates the reproachfulness, and remorse of the subject matter as the theme carries out a realization that her religion was there before she found it. As an accomplished singer by all rights, this modulation of key centers is a deliberate act that further demonstrates the control Stephanie “Lady Redneck” Lee is achieving with each release.
Apart from the instrumental bridge section, You First Loved Me is a soft ballad that carries a steady pace throughout. This pace, however, is cleverly resolved in the final stanza with dynamic strings and keys-only
resolution. “You First Loved Me, but I’m glad you do, and Lord I love you too.” With the ever-growing catalog of singles that revolve around her faith, and tug at the heartstrings of patriotism, You First Loved Me seems to fit very well within.
The choice to utilize a percussion-free performance brings a high degree of contrast to the normally high-tempo dance-friendly rhythms we have come to expect from Lady Redneck. With that said, there is still a great deal of potential commercial success for You First Loved Me in any Gospel and Christian radio format. This song could also be incorporated into a choral performance at any church service as the overall channeling of emotion would fill a hall quite elegantly. It is the expressive nature in which Lady Redneck demonstrates her devout message that makes this track approachable, and even enjoyable.
As stated by Stepahine “Lady Redneck” Lee. “This song is special to me because it takes the pondering of my heart and expresses it by asking questions about his omniscience and power.” By utilizing her dynamic metaphors and colorful imagery audiences are quite prone to feel the same magnetic response as well.
Reviewed by: Lee Callaghan