[Music Review] I Saw Mommy Kissin’ Santa Claus – Cory M. Coons
Just in time for the holiday season Cory M. Coons releases his rendition of a classic Christmas am; I Saw Mommy Kissin’ Santa Claus. This upbeat Country rocker is fun, energetic, and vibrant, perfect to get us in the mood for holiday cheer.
Featuring his daughter Charleigh Lynn Coons, the finale of this track steps back the tempo and offers a child’s perspective as she sings the main theme of the track. Adding the child singing the main verse at the end just works so well as the music from the rapidly strummed acoustic guitar reaches a tension level that seems to not be able to be released.
As Cory M. Coons abruptly drops out allowing the young girl to sing the song feels like it has reached a very satisfying conclusion, along with a very pleasant feeling to carry on afterwards. Coons’ vocals on this track are very clear as each phrase and stanza are shaped well, his voice almost forcing a smile on the listeners faces as some invisible force brings happiness to all that listen to this track.
As he poses the question of what would Daddy say if he walked in on them, even though we know Dad is in the suit, we get a hint of taboo and naughtiness in the undertones of his voice. This is clever as it really adds to the entertainment of this classic track.
I Saw Mommy Kissin’ Santa Claus just gets us in the mood for Christmas; the presents, the tree, and the magic of Santa are all encapsulated within this track. This version of a traditional pop hit would serve well on any Adult Contemporary, Country, Pop, and Soft Rock commercial radio first this holiday season, and one we can revisit every year hereafter. The production on this track makes it perfect for radio, as the vocals in contrast with the guitar are well separated allowing all the overtones of both lyric and string to be heard crisp and clear, all while being blended perfectly to give a fullness to the overall sound. A staple of pop holiday music I Saw Mommy Kissin’ Santa Claus is a favorite among many, and this version is right up there as one
the best versions I have ever heard. Cory M. Coons brings fun, warmth, and happiness to the approaching holiday season. A very enjoyable track, and not the last time I will listen to it this season.
Reviewed by: Lee Callaghan
Evolution Music Press