[Music] Prodigal Child – Ryan T. Miller
Mississippi-based singer/songwriter Ryan T. Miller, who earned Songwriter of the Year honors in the 18th annual ChristianSongwriting.com competition in 2021, makes his Christian radio debut today when his award-winning single, “Prodigal Child” goes for adds to Christian AC and Christian Country-formatted radio outlets.
“’Prodigal Child’ was written with the knowledge of my own brokenness and the gratitude that comes from the Lord’s gracious love and forgiveness,” Miller shares. “I am always amazed at the depth of the Lord’s love, and how His arms are always waiting. Jesus’ words from the Gospel of Luke still have so much to teach us about how no matter where we are, the Lord is there to welcome us home.”
Casey Combest at Blue Sky Studios produced the single.
Miller, who lives in Madison, Mississippi, is married with three children.
“My faith, my family and my life experience prove to be my greatest companions in my songwriting journey,” he says. “I do not profess to be any good, but I do profess to be a songwriter wanting to get better,” he explains, adding that he has been involved with music his entire life but started getting serious about songwriting during the last few years.
Miller placed first in the 4th quarter section on the ChristianSongwriting.com competition before taking top honors for the entire 2021 awards. The contest, sponsored by CM United, is the longest-running Christian songwriting contest in existence.