[Music] No One Like You – Kingsolo Una || @kingsolouna
Audio Engineer, Evangelist, Producer and Gospel Music Minister, Kingsolo Una has released a brand new single titled “No One Like You”.
This song reminds us about the greatness of God. Our God is greater, superior, wholly other. In a contest between our God and all other “gods”—well, there is no contest. When Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh, even though the Egyptian wise men and sorcerers were able to mimic what Aaron did with his staff, the Lord still showed Himself to be supreme.
In your life, in your experience, in your journey of faith, no doubt you’ve come to the conclusion that there is no one—absolutely no one—like our God. You know this deep down in the depths of who you are. You’ve witnessed His power, His provision; you’ve experienced His grace and life-changing love. You are a different person because of Him.
There is no other one like him; There is no other god like him; No one can compare
“No One Like You” is also available on digital platforms;