[Music] Let Your Fire Fall – Alabaster Grace
Brad Perry, a highly decorated former NASA rocket scientist, and his wife, Joanie Perry, a dedicated educator—together known professionally as Alabaster Grace—have unveiled their new single, “Let Your Fire Fall,” today, February 10, 2023, from Westar Media Group.
For the follow-up to their most recent single, “Alleluia, Christ is Born!,” the duo called upon the production talents of Corey Pavlosky, founder of Pipe Dream Studios. Let Your Fire Fallthe three worked diligently to create this acoustic rendering of the song.
“Mixing ‘Let Your Fire Fall’ was a great experience!” says Pavlosky, “Bringing out the rhythmic drive and melodic elements were the primary goals for me in the mixing process. The song speaks for itself with the unique Latin flair and catchy chorus melody.”
Joanie notes that while the song had been in the Alabaster Grace inventory for quite a while, it took on a completely new character once they revisited it.
“‘Let Your Fire Fall’ started out almost like a classic rock song,” she recalls. “But after we pulled it out and worked on it, the whole vibe changed. It is now driven by multiple acoustic guitars arranged and played by Brad. Then, once we added keys and percussion, it took on a ‘guitar orchestra’ feeling.”
“The theme of the song is for God’s people to do His will through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit,” adds Brad. “The lyrics, “Let Your fire fall down in us, we need You,” are a plea to God to fill us with His power and presence. We had a vision of what happened to the disciples when the Holy Spirit came down in tongues of fire. Today, more than ever, we need to rekindle the passion of walking as God’s children so that our world can experience the life-giving power of God.”
“Alabaster Grace combines a great message, vocals and sound, making for another compelling single,” says Kathryn Livingston, Client Services Manager at Westar Media. “This song is a must-hear for this Winter!”
Alabaster Grace’s new single, “Let Your Fire Fall,” can be streamed on Spotify or YouTube.