[Music] Jehovah Rapha (God My Healer) – Prosper Ogene
Emerging Gospel music minister, Prosper Ogene releases new single titled “Jehovah Rapha”.
We have an infinite God who goes by many names. And these names, scattered throughout Scripture, often have a different meaning, showing us another facet of this wonderful creator, healer, and provider.
During times of sickness, we may call upon God using his name that is tied to healing, “Jehovah Rapha.”
The song Jehovah Rapha (God my healer), according to Prosper, was composed and written before his debut single “All I need”.
“I never had intention to record the song in a studio until I heard from God to do so. I was terribly sick for quite a long time, and that led to the composition of the song in the sick bed. At the state of being bedridden with the sickness, I prayed and interceded for a perfect restoration of my health, and I heard three things from the spirit.
1.God my Healer
2.Healing is who He is
3.Drop it at my feet
Funny enough, when I started singing these and speaking them, as I arranged the chord progressions on the piano, I decided to pen down the lyrics, miraculously I got instantly healed. And I intentionally keyed into singing it always, seeing the efficacy of the song at work in me. – Prosper Ogene
Prosper also featured Becky one of his spirited and energized singer in this amazing song.
Listen & Download Below