[Music] Help – Stefan Green
From the streets of Cape Town, South Africa Stefan has seen the scars and broken layers of humanity, as well as a true hope found in Jesus. From school in Cape Town, to College in the States, he has learned from musicians on a global scale. Through his experience, he brings a unique edge in releasing a sound that will become the doorway for many to find Jesus. The last ten years have involved countless songs and publications with writers across the world, from Elevation Church in the USA, Life Worship in the UK, all the way to Hillsong in Australia. He is committed to crafting and creating music that is written with a soul that is set out to connect people to the heart of God. Building momentum in his solo career, Green recently released a new song titled “HELP,” which is available now to download/stream.
“The Holy Spirit is undoubtedly one of the greatest gifts we were ever given. While we said goodbye to Jesus walking the earth, we were introduced to something far greater, The Holy Spirit. I wish I could say I have always made “use” of this gift and deemed it greater than having Jesus literally walking by my side, yet ignorance has caused me to neglect a weapon within my reach,” Green shared in speaking about the heart behind his new song.
He continued, “The Holy Spirit is more than you know you need, wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. It’s time we stop doing life alone, we weren’t created for solitude, disclose your worries to your best friend, the Holy Spirit. May this song reignite connection to the Holy Spirit, may it awaken your desire to have Him close, may your reliance on Him be fueled from a place of purity and desire for more of God in your life. Stop, and listen, he’s there and he wants to speak to you.”