[Music] Come To The Banquet – Josh Blakesley
From the heart of Houston, Texas, Christian singer/songwriter Josh Blakesley is announcing the release of his latest single “Come to the Banquet”, available now across all streaming platforms. The song is the first of a series of songs to be released throughout the year with OCP.
Written and produced by Blakesley, the contemporary track expounds on the beauty of God’s love.
When speaking about the heart of the song, Blakesley says, “We always have a place at the table of the Father. No matter where we’ve been or how long we’ve been away, He welcomes us back. The beauty of His great love for us is that it’s not just an empty table. There is a lavish feast. His providence abounds, and we are satisfied, nourished, restored, and brought back to life. “Come to the Banquet” is Jesus’s invitation. This song, and the collection of songs we’ll be releasing soon, asks us to be a part of this banquet where God’s love is poured out. My deepest prayer is that God’s love would flow through each melody and lyric and immerse the heart of each listener.”
This single is the follow up to Blakesley’s Mass of Restoration (2017) album where he collaborated with guitar player Grae McCullough to write new music for use in Mass that pays homage to the hymns of the past and the culture of modern worship. Additionally, Blakesley has released several independent projects, including his debut solo album Immersed, which included “The Lord Is My Shepherd” and the popular anthem “Our God Is Good.” Immersed was followed by Waiting then Free. You Are the Light was released to iTunes in March of 2012, debuting at #16 on the Christian and Gospel charts. Blakesley and his band’s last album, Even in This, features songs co-written by Michael Farren, Mia Fieldes, Marc Byrd and Sarah Hart.
Blakesley recently launched a new, on-demand video worship series, The Way with speaker and author Paul George. The Way is a unique series of 10 worship night-style videos promoting introspection, thoughtful prayer, and a strong relationship with Jesus Christ.
He is husband to Heather and father to Sophie and Sutton and serves as the Music Ministry Coordinator for St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church outside of Houston, TX, Blakesley can be found performing concerts at parishes around the country, speaking at youth rallies, and leading praise and worship at retreats. He is a veteran of many major events, including World Youth Day, NCYC, NCCYM, Steubenville Youth Conferences and more.
For more information on Josh Blakesley, please visit www.JoshBlakesley.com.
About OCP:
This year, OCP celebrates its 100th anniversary. Founded in 1922 as the Catholic Truth Society of Oregon, we started by publishing apologetic pamphlets to counter the anti-Catholic misinformation and persecution rampant at the time. Later, we published My Sunday Missal booklets to help people participate more fully in the liturgy, a full three decades before the Second Vatican Council. By the later part of the 20th Century, OCP grew from an informative service organization to one of the most trusted publishers of Catholic music and liturgical resources in the world. With 100 years of experience, OCP is equipped and ready to respond to the needs of today’s pastoral musicians and worshiping communities.
Connect with Josh Blakesley:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/joshblakesleymusic
Twitter: @joshblakesley
Instagram: @joshblakesley