[Music] Amazing Grace – Femiclef
Outstanding singer, songwriter and worship leader, Femiclef, delivers an alternative country tune titled Amazing Grace, coming off an EP with the same title.
We all have once gotten what we don’t deserve, it’s amazing. If man were to be given the bill for the air they breathe, who can pay? Everyday, the grace of the lord is seen in all we do. What if men were to be God , life would have been unbearable. God shows us mercy even when we do not deserve it. Grace is all we see. The grace of the Lord is sufficient for everyone who trusts in Him.
Lyrics: Amazing Grace By Femiclef
Intro: da da da.. da da da..da da da
Verse 1
Who am i that you’re mindful of me
What is man that you’re thinking of me always
Everyday, i see your face
When i see the breaking of the day
This is what i have to say
Amazing Grace, how sweet thy sound
That saved a wretch like me
I was lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I see.
Verse 2
I am not worthy, but you chose to favor my lord
I was nobody, but you made somebody, lord!
It’s not by works, not by deeds, not my will that I am here.
If men were God, i won’t be singing this song
Resp: singing it /3×
If men were God, I won’t be singing this song.
Resp! Singing it /3×
Where will i be if not for you
Who will i be if not for you.