[Music] A Million Hallelujahs – Gallery
“A Million Hallelujahs,” a worship song by Christian band Gallery, is set for release today across all digital platforms. The new single follows the success of Gallery’s single, “Beacon,” which to-date has garnered 1.3 million streams on Spotify.
“’A Million Hallelujahs’ was written out of a desire to simply worship,” says Hunter Escobar, who formed and leads the Dallas-based Gallery and who wrote the new song. “The anthem, which follows the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ pointing to the Gospel, is bringing heaven and earth together to sing a song of complete adoration and glory to the King. My heart is to show that there will never be enough ‘hallelujahs’ we could sing to God.”
“When we sing or write a worship song, there will always be something else we can say to give God glory. That’s the beauty of worship, and how God designed music. He created us to keep creating. When we thought there wasn’t anything else to say there is another million hallelujahs we could bring to him,” says Escobar. “There is a hallelujah in every moment Christ lives to what we sing today and it never gets old.”
In addition to the streaming success of “Beacon,” the single debuted at No. 1 at CRC Weekly, ranked No. 2 at CRC Monthly and took the No. 4 spot at CRC Quarterly.
Gallery, whose music currently has more than 2.9 million streams on Spotify alone, signed with McLaughlin Music Group for management in August 2020.