Mike Donehey To Release New Book ‘Grace In The Gray’ January 2023
Songwriter, performing artist, author, and podcaster Mike Donehey is set to release his second book, Grace in the Gray, early next year. Pre-order for the book is available now ahead of its January 17, 2023 release. Donehey shares about the heart behind his new project below.
Grace in the Gray.
It started with a single comment.
“Mike, I can’t believe the way you disagree with people. It isn’t teeming with anger like I’ve come to expect. Your discourse is brimming with compassion and curiosity. I think I’m learning how to argue by watching you.”
Alright. Maybe it wasn’t those exact words. But it was definitely something close to it.
Funny, because I never would have considered myself a gracious debater. I know I didn’t used to be anyway. I used to have to win. All the time, and at all costs.
But perhaps mercy really is beginning to have its way in me, because over the last few years I’ve begun to wonder which is more important. Is it my position? Or is it my posture? Maybe it’s both. Maybe love without truth isn’t love, and truth without love isn’t truth. Maybe disagreement isn’t the sign that something is wrong with my relationships, maybe it’s the evidence that I actually have relationships in the first place. If everyone in my life agrees with me about everything all the time, maybe that’s just a sign that I’ve only really been in a relationship with myself.

Maybe disagreement doesn’t have to be filled with anger, but could be fueled by love.
Honestly, I didn’t think I’d write another book this quickly, but the pandemic changed a lot for everyone didn’t it? For me, it changed my approach. I quickly realized, pecking away my opinions behind the shield of a screen and a block button, I might have been helping myself feel superior, but I wasn’t helping others feel loved. Now, I’m not saying it’s all about feelings, but I wrote this book, because I began to realize how curiosity and kindness have done more to change my heart than a thousand contentious debates ever could. And maybe that’s also true for how we change the world.
Maybe there really is a more loving way.
Come and see.
My new book,
“Grace in the Gray”
A More Loving Way to Disagree
is finished and ready for pre-order.
January 17, 2023
It can’t come soon enough.