Jarrell Hosley Leads Worship To A Higher Level In New Disc
Portland Oregon Jarrell Hosley is a young man with a great future. He has learned over the years that a life placed in the hands of God will lead to a great adventure, so he has intentionally surrendered himself to God. That surrender is evidenced through a lifestyle of worship and is the very essence of his new EP, Worship Culture, the Studio Perspective (Enon Music Group/The Orchard/Sony), which is available for pre-order on February 5th.
“I am humbled by ALL that God has done”, says Hosley. “Salvation was an inside job, when you take into account that Jesus, the son of God who knew no sin, clothed himself in flesh, came to earth, suffered, bled and died to pay a debt I owed but could not pay, that in itself is a great thing. The love of God motivates me to live for Him. If I can minister a song and someone’s life is changed, that’s just my appreciation to God for the gift of Jesus. The very least I can do is give God me, because I know without Him, none of this would be possible”.
Hosley has immersed himself in music and ministry, having served as a choir director, worship leader and in various pastoral assignments including music and youth pastor. His greatest joy comes from seeing people experience God through worship. His group, Perpetual Prayze shares his passion for worship and is known for changing the atmosphere as they stand to minister.
Hosley has music headed to radio in the coming weeks in preparation for the full EP release hitting digital outlets and streaming platforms on February 26th.
Stay connected with Jarell Hosley and EMG
Twitter – @BePerpetual
Facebook – Enon Music Group
Twitter – @Enon_EMG