Earnest Pugh Tells His Story In “God Did It”
Fresh from his fourth number one radio single to hit the BDS charts comes Earnest Pugh placing a new twist on an old favorite. The award winning singer, psalmist, author, teacher and worship leader has joy in his heart and praise on his lips as he wants the world to know that “God Did It.”
Earnest revels in the release of the song, “I can’t find anyone on this planet who doesn’t love the inimitable Momma Evelyn Turrentine Agee’s powerful declaration. The song became extraordinarily meaningful to me as I experienced a bout with Covid-19 last year. My body was attacked with a vengeance, but God gave me victory and I felt compelled to give sound as my response to God’s faithfulness, that sound was simply God Did It! I want this song to be a blessing to the body of believers everywhere that a Sovereign God will take care of you and even sustain within the midst of something that other people die from. I am ever grateful.”
“God Did It” is masterfully produced by Keith Williams and Rufus McGee, Jr., and features the rich ambiance of a New Orleans ensemble to usher in the praise and thanksgiving that ensues when this song is heard.
In a span of close to two decades Earnest Pugh has released 5 CDs via a Joint Venture Deal with EPM Music Group and Blacksmoke Music Worldwide: “Rain On Us” ; “Earnestly Yours”; “The E-Factor”; “Survive” ; “The Outpour Experience” along with several features on The Kerry Douglas Gospel Mix CDs. The Joint Venture Team also ascended to the Top of the Billboard Charts with Hits such as: “Rain On Us”; “I Need Your Glory”, “God Wants To Heal You” and most recently “Thank You So Much.” Pugh’s catalog has steamed over 5 Million over a course of 7 years.