[Download] My Goal – Olawale Osewa
Music Director, Songwriter and Recording artiste; Olawale Osewa is out with a single titled ‘My Goal‘.
Olawale Osewa has released a number of singles that has been a blessing to the body of Christ but this new song is different. It is a different kind of sound received directly from the throne of grace.
It’s a song of motivation and encouragement. Everyone has a goal they are pursuing. You might not be where you want to be, but you’ll get there. Hold on to God, don’t give in to the challenges and the tricks of the devil. Just tell yourself, “I WILL REACH MY GOAL”.
This song will surely bless and inspire you to press on toward your goal this year and it’s a good sound to begin the year with.
My Goal – Olawale Osewa
Stream & Download Below