Category: COGSPOT

Living With Purpose: How Awareness of Death Can Transform Our Lives

I like to imagine things and paint scenarios in my head a lot. It can be too much sometimes but for the sake of this piece, I would implore that you indulge me. I just want to show you how the awareness of death can transform our lives and help us live more purposefully.

Imagine you were diagnosed with a terminal illness (God forbid! It’s not your portion and I don’t wish that on anyone) but just picture it for a moment. 

If you were given a specified number of years to live, let’s say five years give or take, would it change the way you would live your life? Well, at first, you might be depressed and unhappy but after a while, you would accept your fate and when you finally come to terms with reality, wouldn’t you want what little time you had left to count for much? I bet that a lot of us would put those years to good use. 

We wouldn’t leave anything to chance anymore. Starting from our health (both physical and mental) to our loved ones to our jobs and the pursuit of our life’s goals and dreams, we wouldn’t take anything for granted. 

Some of us would quit our jobs because we’ve never actually derived satisfaction from them and launch our start-ups. After all, that’s where our passions really lie. For others, their diets will change to more healthy ones and exercise would be incorporated into their routine if that’s what it would take for them to live longer. 

We would cherish the time we get to spend with our loved ones and create more meaningful memories. We would treat each moment with them like it would be our last. 

We would be more honest, more intentional with our time and energy, kinder, more compassionate, more loving and more accommodating. You would visit places you always wanted to and try out new things. 

You would remove all the limitations that you’ve placed on yourself, wouldn’t you? And you would just live.

So, what if I told you that you have a terminal illness anyway? I mean, it’s not leukaemia or cystic fibrosis but we’re all running out of time. We all have a shelf life and one day, we will expire. 

So, you have to protect the integrity of the life that you have now. It’s bad enough that you do not know for how long you’ll get to be here on this side of life. Hence, you can’t just leave your life to happenstance. 

A casual knowledge of the inevitability of death is one thing but living with the awareness of it is another thing entirely. You do not get to choose what hand life deals you with. And that’s it. There’s no need to sit around complaining and grumbling about how your life is or how you wish it was. 

You have to play the hand that you’ve been dealt. The life you want doesn’t always just automatically fall on your lap. You have to create it.

It is time to embrace your purpose and manifest your potential to the fullest. Live right so that you can die well. Death shouldn’t scare us if we live intentionally. 

Rather, the awareness of it should spur us on to make the most of the time we have before it is up. Mediocrity never did anyone much good. Find a balance. Dance to the rhythm of your destiny. 

Let this understanding fill you up and flow through you until you are transformed into a better person by it. Don’t be a spectator in your own life. Be proactive and take an effective role in this script you’re writing. Such that when your time on earth is done, you’ll leave peacefully with the assurance that you gave it your best shot. For, it is not the fear of death that informs our living meaningfully, it is the acceptance of it.

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The Selfless Love of Jesus Christ: Implications for Christian Living and Relationships

The life of Jesus embodies the essence of living. It is the map that guides us on our earthly pilgrimage. He became flesh and dwelt among us to be an excellent example of how we ought to conduct ourselves and to ultimately save us from everything that hinders us from having the life of abundance that God intended for us, including ourselves.

The life Jesus lived showed us that it takes selflessness to love others, and it gives us the blueprint for how to live and build relationships as Christians. The same way we read the biographies of successful people and replicate what they did because we want to be successful is the same way we are to emulate the life of Christ. He didn’t have to go to the cross for us, yet he did because of the love he had for us.

He knew the pain and shame that awaited him there, but he didn’t turn his back on us because he knew how much we needed him. He has always been and will continue to be our only hope.

This teaches us to love others just as Jesus Christ loved us. He gave up his life in our stead. He knew no sin but became sin that we might become the righteousness of God through him. This is why we must embrace Him and live right. What greater love could there be than offering up one’s life for another’s?

He knew he was going to be betrayed and yet he washed the feet and fed the one who was going to betray him. He didn’t count the sin of those who accused him wrongly and who were shouting “Crucify him! Crucify him!”.

Rather, he prayed “Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” What a selfless heart! This is a profound lesson to all Christians. If we received the pardon of all our wrongdoings for free, how dare we withhold our forgiveness for the wrong others have done to us?

Jesus led with compassion and humility. He came not to be served, but to serve, and that through him, all might be saved. How can we profess to be followers of this same Jesus and find it difficult to show compassion and empathy to those around us? We have become so driven by ‘self’ that we do not see anyone else except ourselves.

How then do we convince people that our Jesus is who we say he is? We are the Bibles that people read. Our lives should preach Jesus Christ and his selfless love. Whatever we find ourselves doing, we should do to the glory of God. We are not our own.

We have been bought with a price, and as a result, we’ve got a name to protect. It is the seal that has been placed upon us, and it has become our identity. We live by the codes and ethics of that name. We surrender our will to His divine will.

It doesn’t always come easy to us, but as Jesus prayed in despair in the garden of Gethsemane just before he was given up to the Jews, “Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42 KJV). May we have the courage to always bring our desires to God in surrender, and as “…there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.” (Luke 22:43), may we receive grace and power to keep us firm in his will.

Finally, Christian living is a higher calling, one that wills us to be more gracious, compassionate, forgiving, and sacrificial. It is a call to serve. It is my earnest prayer that we embody the selfless love of Christ that we have benefited from and extend the same measure of grace that we have received unto others. May the darkness of this world not deter Certainly!

In conclusion, the life of Jesus is a shining example of what it means to live a life of love, humility, and sacrifice. As Christians, we are called to follow in his footsteps and to love others as he loved us. We must strive to embody his selfless and extend the same measure of grace and compassion that we have received unto others.

By living a life that preaches Jesus Christ and his teachings, we can be the light in this dark world and bring hope to those who are lost. Let us surrender our will to his divine will and trust in him to guide us on our earthly pilgrimage.

May we always remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, and may it inspire us to live a life that is pleasing to him. May we be transformed by his love and live a life that reflects his character. And may we continue to seek his face and grow in our relationship with him each day.

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4 Ways to Pamper Her This Mother’s Day

This popular holiday started as “Mothering Sunday” where children who had moved away from home due to work or other endeavours gathered together at the biggest church close to them or went back home to celebrate on the fourth Sunday of Lent. 

Over the years, this day has become a special day to honour our mothers and we’re all for it. Here are four ways to celebrate our mothers or that special “she” in our lives this Mother’s Day:

1. Get her flowers.

You can never go wrong with gifting her good ol’ flowers. Giving flowers is as old as the holiday. A bouquet of her favourite flowers and a heartfelt note alongside will go a long way to let her know how intentional you are about her and how grateful you are to have her. Don’t forget to give her her “flowers” as well. Appreciate her for everything she does even the ones she thinks no one notices. Adding a thoughtful gift will make this gesture much more pleasant.

2. Let her have the day off.

Take away every responsibility from her for the whole day. From the house chores to cooking meals to taking care of the kids (if any). Just allow her to have the day to herself. She rarely gets a day that is all about her so this is one of the most thoughtful things you can do for her. Serve her for the whole day; breakfast in bed and any other meaningful thing you know she would love. Just go for it.

3. Treat her to a full spa session.

When last did your mama or woman have a spa day? It’s no news that massage does wonders to the body and what better way to give her a baby girl treatment than treating her to essential oils and relaxation? This is not just good for her body but for her soul as well. Watch the glow-up afterwards.

4. Give her money to go shopping.

Women love to splurge and get new things. Chances are that she will still use the money to get stuff for the home but giving her that cash will make her happy. She might have had a wishlist of some items she wants to purchase like clothes or cooking ware or gadgets. Just give her the money and watch how you make this day memorable for her. You can never be wrong in giving anyone money.

These are just some wonderful ideas on how you can celebrate the women in your life. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to this. You can think of more creative ways to honor them and don’t forget to celebrate them every other day as well.

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Love Bombing: Love or Abuse?

You ever meet a person and y’all just connect? They are so attentive to you and care so much for you, maybe, in a way, nobody else has or so it seems.

They might shower you with gifts, order lunch to be delivered to you at school or work on a regular, take you out on expensive dates, and do anything to get you to date them.

They seem to always want to talk to you and be in your presence. They shower with all manner of flattery until you are way over your head; throwing caution to the air. You can’t believe your luck. Like how did you land this ‘jackpot’? They are just perfect and too good to be true. You can’t even imagine life without them again.

All these happen in such a short period, say two weeks, but who’s counting days when they’re having the best time of their life? You’re so high on the dopamine release; you don’t want the euphoria to end.

Then you finally decide to date them because you’re so in love with them. You might even get married to them in like say three months from when you first met them because no one gets you like they do, right? And what’s the point of waiting anyway, when you can have all this happiness for a lifetime?

But as soon as they feel like they’ve got you hooked and wrapped around their fingers, there’s a change in the dynamics of the relationship. They’re no longer the kind and nice person you thought they were. They’re irritated by every single thing you do. 

The abuse begins and you start to wonder where the person that made you feel like you were the best thing since sliced bread varnished to? The confusion sets in. You begin to walk on eggshells around them. You would do anything to please them just to get back the person you fell in love with back. 

You used to think spending all your time with them was such a cute thing but now, you feel suffocated because they wouldn’t let you breathe or go out with your friends or just do something for yourself. It feels like they now own you and the cycle goes on and on until you dare to break out of it or you get ditched. The realization that they weren’t who they said they were sets in (painfully so).

Guess what? You were love-bombed. They didn’t love you; never did. They targeted you and then mirrored you; your likes, and your idea of an ideal partner. They needed you; so they pretended to be everything you needed so that they could get you to trust them. 

And guess what? When you trust people, you let your guard down around them which is exactly what they’re counting on and the dopamine high doesn’t help matters as well. When they feel like they have you exactly where they need you to be, the real person behind the mask shows up. Remember, a ticking time bomb always explodes. It’s just a matter of time. Love bombing is the first stage in the abuse cycle.

So when next you feel pressured to commit to someone, especially in a short period, take some moment to ask yourself, “What is this person hiding”? or ” What is this person up to?” Ask yourself how you feel after you spend time with them and be brutally honest.

Don’t get it twisted; love is a beautiful thing. It’s just that those who haven’t fully grasped what it entails to truly love another human being have turned it into a game of manipulation and would come into your life like a ‘bomb’. 

Eventually, they’ll blow up in your face and it won’t be a pretty sight. The best thing is to recognize these red flags on time and decide your next move. Remember, it is only your intentions you know; you don’t always know that of others. 

However, either good or bad, people will always tell on themselves. Be attentive. When something feels too good to be true, most times, it is.

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Three Things You Might Not Have Known About Love Languages

Gary Chapman’s love languages have made it easier for us to identify our needs in relationships and how our partners can love us better and increase the overall quality of our bonds.

For the benefit of the doubt; the love languages in no particular order include: quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts and acts of service.

Everyone resonates with one or more of these expressions of affection. Now, here are three things you might not have known about love languages:

1. People love based on how they understand love.

We are often a product of our environments and so we will express love based on how we have come to understand the concept of love. It’s either we love based on how we were loved or we seek to fill the void that was left empty in us as we grew up.

For instance, a child that didn’t receive physical touch a lot like hugs while growing up may seek to receive it from his/her partner. Also, a person who grew up in a toxic home might have a distorted perception of love and wouldn’t be able to have healthy relationships except they take the time to heal their childhood trauma. That being said, it’s no wonder we tend to love others in our love languages.

2. Loving our partners in only our love language can be selfish.

Because we feel loved when we receive affection in our predominant love language, we might expect our partner to feel loved when we express our love for them in our love language and this could be a disaster. Not only does it say how selfish we are, but it also tells our partners that we haven’t taken the time to learn their needs and how to fulfill them.

This could make our loved ones feel unheard or overlooked. The silly thing is that we are often ignorant of this. I remember in my first relationship, I would get my partner gifts because gifts are such a huge thing to me and I would wonder why he still felt unappreciated.

In my mind, I had gone out of my way to get those things just to show him how much he meant to me, but to him, all he wanted was just to spend quality time together. Giving him my time signified to him how important he was to me and that was what he wanted; to feel seen.

Having this insight would have saved us some squabbles and saved me some money (lol). Suffice it to say, you can go all out for your partner, but they would still feel unloved because you didn’t speak their number one love language.

3. Expecting your partner to love you only in your love language can be selfish.

You must understand that your partner is coming from somewhere; so you must give them grace as they get to know you and love you better. If you insist on them loving you in only your love language, it robs them of the privilege to love you in theirs.

Don’t forget they love based on how they have come to view love. It would be hypocritical for someone who claims that their primary love language is words of affirmation to not affirm their partner. This is because healthy love is based on reciprocity. You are poured into as you pour out. So, there has to be a balance.

I must add that this applies to healthy relationships only. A person who has a false understanding of love must heal before seeking to be in a relationship with someone.

If only we took the time and work to understand and grasp the concept of healthy love and living and stopped being too self-centered, then we would have more beautiful relationships.

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The Love You Need For Valentine’s

It’s almost that time of the year again; Valentine’s, The red season when couples often go out of their way to celebrate the love they have for each other and when singles are berated about how single they are. 

Wherever you turn, you can’t miss the posters of online vendors advertising valentine sales or the shopping malls that already have valentine decors and gifts on display, or the comedy skits serving as a constant reminder that the big day is just around the corner.

Perhaps you’ve come to dread this day because of all the pressure that comes with it. It could be that you feel in over your head or the celebration has become a ritual to you; something you do without putting in much thought. 

It could also be that you feel so lonely in this season or so unloved you remember you’ve never received a gift on Valentine’s Day and you’re telling yourself that it’s time you begin to respond to your DMs. Or even better, you might be so elated because you know you’re going to receive a lot of packages that you can hardly wait. 

Whatever this day signifies to you or in whatever state this day meets you, I want to bring you up to speed on the most important love you need to experience in this season. It is the purest, most unadulterated form of love that every other type of love should be premised on.

Non-arguably, the greatest need of every human is to be loved and to feel loved. So, what if I tell you that the love you’ve been searching for has been staring you right in the face without you knowing? Or maybe you’ve known all along but haven’t taken it as seriously as you should. You see, this love is better experienced personally than heard because words cannot adequately quantify or qualify it. 

It is the loudest, most beautiful. and the most sacrificial; the type that gives up all for you. It is the most relentless; the kind that you cannot hide or run away from; that sees your heart, your fears, your struggles, your weaknesses, and everything that you are and doesn’t give up on you. You do not have to prove yourself lovable because it is all the proof that you’ll ever need.

This is the kind of love that pours into you and weathers the storms for you; that is always there for you no matter what; you can bank on it. You can rest assured that it is going anywhere because it is more than butterflies in your belly; it is a knowing assurance, a peace that surpasses all understanding, too wonderful to comprehend, too deep to be grasped by the human mind.

This love is a person. He is the real deal; no games, no manipulation. You will never find another greater love; a love giving Himself up for you; hanging on the tree, arms spread apart, blood dripping from His body, for the whole world to see, declaring boldly “This is how far I’ll go for you. I’m giving you everything.” Tell me what proposal is grander than a man laying down his life so that his lover might enjoy life. It is insanely marvelous.

And you know the best part; He’s enough to go around. He is for everyone; not for a particular person or people. He is the one that makes living or celebrating Valentine’s Day worthwhile. He is a good listener; He hears even the stupidest things you have to say. Your overall well-being is his priority. 

There’s a lot He wants to do for and in you if only you’d let Him. He wants to cater to your tender heart and heal all the places that have been hurt. He wants to show you what it means to be truly loved if you allow Him to. 

He is in your dm; always trying to get your attention; knocking on the door of your heart; hoping that you would open up and invite Him in because He is such a gentleman, He will not do anything without your permission.

Perhaps, you’ve never heard of Him or you do know Him but aren’t quite serious with Him yet or you ghosted Him, it is time for you to reconsider Him. His name is Jesus Christ. It might not always look like it but He has only your best interests. Develop an intimate relationship and every other thing will follow and it wouldn’t matter if you’re single on Valentine’s Day or not because you would have found the most important love you need.

Experience a love that transcends this season. Decide for Jesus today. This is the best thing you can do for yourself.

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The Kind of Heartbreak We Don’t Usually Talk About

In my second year in junior high school, I made a friend. No, actually, she made me. I was an introverted teen you see, still am but not as socially withdrawn as I used to be then. So, it was a Saturday morning and we needed to do laundry. 

Somehow, we got talking about a drum to store water (it was a boarding school) and that was where we hit it off. She was a new kid in school that got recently transferred and she needed a friend; I did too. And boy was she a beautiful soul. She still is and I hope she gets to read this.

Our dorm rooms were opposite each other and so we would do almost everything together. She would come to my room so we could observe our personal devotion together. We would go for classes together, the dining hall, the mini-mart, for sports, for prep, you name it.

Heck, we even got to twin on our house wears sometimes. It was such a good time to be alive. She would make me laugh my stomach out. We laughed at the stupidest of things and we were happy. It was just one of the purest friendships I have ever experienced.

But then it wasn’t always so rosy. The same way we could laugh at the stupidest of things was the same way we got into fights at the slightest irritation. Now, that I think of it, I can’t even remember anything in particular that made us fight but we did get into a lot of squabbles with each other. 

Of course, we always made up but that didn’t guarantee that we wouldn’t fight again. Fights are a part of healthy relationships but what do you do when they get too much?

So, one day, we had gotten into one of our usual squabbles. I had gone out of class during break time and when I got back, my friend said we needed to talk. Those words spelt doom; I should have known but my naïve mind just believed that we were going to work things out as usual. 

We stood at a corner of the classroom and that day, I heard those cruel words for the first time in my life, “Blessing, we can’t be friends anymore. It’s over between us.” Right then, my heart broke. I heard a thud in my heart and I couldn’t believe my ears. What just happened? Did she just break our friendship up? I can’t express the pain I felt adequately in words but it hurt badly. 

I mean we were so close that we had people coming up to us wanting to join our friendship circle. I had questions I wanted to ask. Like who was trying to sabotage what we had? Who had she been listening to? Who put her up to this? But there’s a little straight thinking you can do when you have just been rejected and your heart broken. I was eleven years old by the way.

Things went downhill pretty much after that. By the third year of junior high, we were more like acquaintances. In senior high, we became friends again but things never went back to the way they were. Over the years, we’ve tried to keep communication open. 

Now, we just wish each other happy birthdays and reply to funny memes once in a while. We haven’t seen each other in years even though we’re in the same city. And it is fine, I totally understand. We are all just swamped up with the challenges of adulthood.

Some friendships are just for a season but that doesn’t make it hurt less when we lose them. I’m talking about quality friendships here. What I miss the most about this friendship is how free we were to bring out our inner child and how comfortable we were to just be each other. 

It’s hard to find such pure, childlike, unadulterated friendships these days. This is the kind of heart break we rarely talk about. When our friends move to another state or relocate to another country and we lose them; we’re happy for them but it still breaks us to not have them be in our lives anymore. 

When they know everything about us; our secrets, flaws, dreams, ambitions and all; and we just drift apart without warning, what do we do with the vacuum they leave? What do you do when the person you shared some of your most cherished moments with becomes a stranger to you? What happens when they die and leave you in this cruel world? The most important need of the human soul is genuine connection. 

What do you do when you find a raw and deep connection with someone and it abruptly comes to an end? What do you do when you have news and you want to share it with them and you remember that y’all don’t vibe like that anymore?

Friends come and friends go but some friendships are irreplaceable and when they end they leave the most debilitating effects. So, when are we going to start talking about the heart break of genuine platonic friendships?

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Who Will Win The 2023 Elections?

If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.


This is the question that is on the mind of every Nigerian citizen. These are grave times and there is a silent but building tension on everyone as regards who wins the much coveted seat of power – the presidency.

This is because this person, being at the helm of affairs, will either plunge Nigeria deeper into the pit of despondency that is looming over her or begin to rescue her from the damage she has suffered and continues to suffer.

With the elections drawing closer, I have been mulling over the concept of choice; its cause and effect. Everything we do involves having to make a decision. 

For instance, it’s a choice I am making by writing this piece. I could decide against it and I would not have to put this out here. I could also pen this down and decide not to share it with anyone but when I put it out here like I’m doing now, I have little to no control over what happens thereafter.

I can put out my thoughts but you can form your opinion. Before you make a choice, the power lies with you. But once you make that choice, you invariably relinquish the power you had over it and ultimately, the choice makes you. 

That is to say, there is a power tussle between you and your choices. And the dynamics can be crazy because one moment you can be in control and the next moment, things are spiralling out of control because of the decision you took. Inadvertently, we get to choose what makes us. I digress a bit; but not without cause.

Coming back to the matter at hand; whoever we choose to lead us, we rescind our power to. There may be powers that be, but the will of the people should be the power of the day except if the definition of democracy has changed. 

If a people can no longer be heard or be allowed to decide who governs them, then that is no longer democracy, it is abuse. If we say we’re a democratic country, then we should be allowed to live it out fully.

The crux of the matter is for us to do our due diligence and exercise our franchise. Posterity will not forgive us if we don’t take the right stand today. Needless to say, our choice has a ripple effect. It can make the coming days better or worse. 

The difficulties we are facing at the moment with the new cash situation, fuel scarcity, insecurity, inflation, to mention but a few could take on a different turn depending on the stand we take.

We are all clamouring for a new Nigeria and I put it to you that a new Nigeria begins with your choice. As you choose to be a patriot, a law-abiding citizen who is not ignorant of their rights, a new Nigeria is birthed. The stand to do what is right and to uphold justice for all is what takes us there. 

A system that works doesn’t just come to be; it takes deliberate effort on the part of everyone – the government and the nationals.

Abraham Lincoln wisely said and I quote “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

We have been defrauded in times back but this is the time we collectively take a stand. If you won’t invest your hard-earned money in just any stock without carrying out due diligence and ensuring that your funds are safe to a reasonable extent, why then should you be nonchalant about who is in power? 

Do not forget that the policies and decisions they make will affect everything about you – from your security as a citizen to the economy of the nation to the quality of life. “E go touch everybody”. The funny thing is that the common man is the most afflicted.

This is not to tell you to vote in a particular candidate into power but rather, that you should make an informed decision. You don’t invest your money based solely on sentiments; you invest because you need profit. 

Then why invest your power in someone entirely because of sentiments and bigotry without asking the right questions and proven track records? This should be our deaf era. 

Are you not tired of hearing promises and not having them fulfilled? We want to see results. That should be the driving force behind your vote. 

You might say you won’t vote but according to William James with which I agree, “when you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice”.

So, who will win the elections this year? Let’s find out at the polls. Our vote is our voice and it’s high time our voice is heard loud and clear.

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The Wait Always Serves A Purpose

A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Have you ever been in traffic for a prolonged time? It gets worse if you’ve had a very long and annoying day or when you have an important appointment to catch up with. 

The most infuriating thing is that the drivers create detours trying to beat the traffic but end up making it more terrible. In the end, most times, you can’t even tell what caused the traffic.

I often wonder what a seed passes through when it is buried in the ground. I know the biology of how it grows into a plant but does it have emotions? I remember reading somewhere about an experiment that was carried out on plants where they were divided into two groups. 

One group was told kind words while the other was told mean words. This continued for a couple of days. At the end of the experiment, the group that received kind words blossomed beautifully while the group that received mean words were dishevelled. 

This kind of occurrence leaves you wondering whether or not plants have feelings. And if they do, how is it for seeds when they are buried in the dark and waiting until they birth new life? Does it get lonely for them or overwhelming? I never can tell. (I digress)

But this scenario reminds me a lot of us and the paths to our fulfilment. The wait between where we are and where we aspire to get to can be a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes, it’s exhilarating, other times, it’s exhausting. 

It can be frustrating to wait, especially when you do not know how long you have to wait.

We might think waiting is a passive activity but on the contrary, a lot happens during the wait.

The seed doesn’t just germinate, many biological processes occur first. The wait always serves a purpose. It produces character; it shows us what we’re made of. It is in the wait that we are moulded. 

You don’t get moulded in the spotlight. You are moulded behind the scenes. It takes a lot of spirit to wait and wait well.

The magnitude of your greatness might influence your wait. The Chinese Bamboo does not sprout as fast as a Papaya tree. The taller a tree, the deeper its roots; the taller a building, the deeper and more solid its foundation.

As you wait, develop roots. Groom yourself, hone your skills, develop character and endurance, expand your network, build your confidence, and invest in knowledge and your health. Keep moving on your path; the one that is mapped out for you. 

You will be tempted to take detours or shorter routes to get to your destination but that might only end up complicating your journey. There are no shortcuts to success. You must put in the work and pay the price.

Beware of defeatists. They never have any good thing to say. They aren’t “doing” and they set out to discourage those who are “doing”. Find your support system, this might just be one or two persons, and allow them to pour into you. No one makes it far alone.

 As you wait, something is birthed in you. Something you never knew was in you all along and you’ll see, there’s always a purpose for the wait.

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3 Inspiring Reminders From The Beauty Of A Sunrise

On my morning walk today, I was able to catch the sunrise and it was so beautiful. It’s nice to just pause sometimes and take in the simple mundane elements of nature.

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