CalledOut Music debuts “Other Side”.
CalledOut’s brand new single ‘Other Side’ is a nice sequel to his summer tune ‘Joy’. They both have light-hearted, bright and catchy lyrics that remind us of the reason why we love CalledOut Music so much. His songs are such a blessing and refreshingly apt for the times.
‘Other Side’ is packed full of encouraging and calm- ing lyrics that points listeners to God’s ability to see us through life’s challenges. The rhythmic and acoustic sound of “Other Side” is guaranteed to help one disconnect from all the noise around and find strength through hard times with an assurance of God’s unfailing love.
The release date happens to coincide with a time when young people in Nigeria, are conducting peaceful protests against police brutality. In a recent post on social media, CalledOut said, ‘Seeing many videos of my brothers and sisters being murdered for NO REASON by a police force that’s supposed to protect them is upsetting! With all the injustice go- ing on in our world, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Justice will prevail and as always, God will be glorified. We’ll all make it out the Other Side! ‘
‘Other Side’ was written & performed by CalledOut Music, and mixed & mastered by Whiteblock Group, cover art by Naomi Starx and graphics by Jabrand design