Bethel Music : Prepare the Way – Bethany Wohrle & Dante Bowe
Bethel Music releases a live performance video of “Prepare the Way” featuring Bethany Wohrle & Dante Bowe off Bethel Music’s latest album, Revival’s In The Air.
Revival’s In The Air, the 15th live recording from GRAMMY®-nominated, Dove Award-winning Bethel Music, available May 29. Continuing the worship collective’s legacy of Spirit-led releases that have engaged the global Church in corporate worship for more than a decade, the project was executive produced by Bethel Music co-founder Brian Johnson and CEO Joel Taylor.
Revival’s In The Air is a sprawling, 17-track project that showcases Bethel Music’s renowned cadre of songwriters and worship leaders and also features songwriting contributions from such leading names as Matt Redman, Phil Wickham, Leslie Jordan (All Sons & Daughters), Ben Fielding (Hillsong Worship), Rita Springer and Ethan Hulse, among others.
Watch Official Video
Verse 1
We’ve heard the revival stories
Of ancient and old time glory
Spirit of God come do it again
Miracle working power
Moving in signs and wonders
Spirit of God come do it again
Prepare the way, He’s coming through
Ready or not our God’s on the move
We’re gonna see heaven on earth
Come Holy Spirit awaken Your church
Verse 2
God, You’re just getting started
A testimony of more to come
Spirit of God come do it in us
We join in the faith of Heaven
And prophesy your kingdom here on earth
Spirit of God come do it in us
Fire fall, wind come blow
We’re ready for more, ready for more
Break down the walls, push back the doors
We’re ready for more, ready for more
Bethany Wohrle / Dante Bowe / Justin Amundrud / Chris Cleveland / Ethan Hulse