AOH Music To Release “Same God (Of David’s Heart)” August 2
AOH Music (vocalist Brianne Nealon, drummer Jimmy Meier, and guitarist/producer Jack Garno) reminds us that our God is the same God He’s always been, and always will be, with their new single “Same God (Of David’s Heart),” releasing Friday, August 2nd.
The song was primarily inspired by Hebrews 13:8, “What Jesus Christ was yesterday, and is today, and forever.” From the Old Testament to the New, the Lord throughout time is the same God who delivers us from our spiritual Egypt, offering us eternal life.
“It’s easy to forget that we are in communion with the same God that turned water into wine, that parted the sea for the Israelites, that sent His only Son to become man and die so that we may have eternal life in Heaven” says the band. “This song was written as a reminder of God’s faithfulness in our lives, and we hope it can be a reminder for all of those who listen to it”.
This song has garnished a lot of social media attention since the band originally posted a rough version of the chorus a few months ago. There have been over 1.5 million views, thousands of likes, and hundreds of comments asking for a full version. We are so excited for this song to reach even more people and hopefully draw them even closer into a relationship with the ever-living God.
The band will be going out on the road in the fall, playing faith-based concerts and events across the nation.