Ananda Xenia Shakti Celebrates “Festival Of The Goddess” With New Music Video “Devi”
(TORONTO, ON, CANADA)– September 26, 2022 – Ananda Xenia Shakti is a unique musical artist who is strongly influenced by Indian culture and spirituality. She is now releasing her latest music video on September 28th, 2022. Titled ‘Devi’, the inspiring and spiritual music video was filmed in the Indian City of Pushkar, which is regarded as one of the top 10 holiest cities in India.
With a backdrop of India’s beautiful temples and topography, Ananda Xenia Shakti performs ‘Devi’ with all her heart and soul. With the word ‘Devi’ translating to ‘Goddess’ and ‘Divine Light’ in the Hindi language, this song is an ode to feminine divinity and power.
Ananda said, “The vibration of the song lifts the heart and mind so that each moment of life becomes a Divine communion with the Goddess. Most of the images you see are filmed around the sacred lake. The reverence for life that permeates the atmosphere is tangible in the footage. ‘Devi’ is an emotionally-charged yet simple and stripped back acoustic song that relaxes the mind, and helps people tap into their spirituality.”
She continues, “Navratri is the biggest festival of the Goddess that is celebrated on earth. It is a time to celebrate the active power of Creative, which is a feminine principle of the Goddess Herself. During the nine-day festival the Goddess’s grace shines brightly on song, dance and deep meditation on the sublime light that lives within every heart.”
About Ananda Xenia Shakti:
Ananda Xenia Shakti & Love PowerThe Band creates “Music for Body and Soul, Vibrational Healing and Celebrating the Festival of Life.”
As an inter-dimensional intuitive artist, Ananda receives the songs of Love Power the Band while in a semi trance state, acting as a conduit for “Higher Realm Wisdom.” She says, “The songs focus on offering blessings and inspiration to the listeners, while celebrating the innate Divinity that lives within every Soul. Love Power the Band’s music asks you to sing, dance and be ready to hear cosmic truth spoken in straight talk.”
A Love Power The Band concert is a unique happening. When performed live, their songs become pieces of interactive music, where the hive that gathers for the show is given a part in the song and holds that down, dissolving the barrier between performer and audience, and handing the show over to the music and oneness. Interactive Music symbolically holds Ananda’s vision of love, life and oneness. She believes we are born of the “Song of the Divine.” ”Our truest heart’s longing is to reunite with the Divine Song,” she says. “We exist to remind each other, we are divine, and we can change the world. She believes that music is one of the greatest inspirations for transformation”. http://www.onlyloveisreal.love