An Interview with DPB
What led you to pursue a career as a Christian music performer?
I was brought up in a family Gospel music group so Christian music was all around me starting as a young child.
Tell us more about your ministry, please…past, present, and future:
I started doing hip-hop ministry straight out of high school we were called Faith Rap Ministry, aka Disciple Paul.
I ended up joining the group D.O.C. (Disciples Of Christ) a grammy nominated Christian group while with them I did the choreography, some writing music, and became one of the lead singers, after the group went their own ways I became DPB and established the world of dpb brand.
I evolved to DPB which is the initial of my name David Paul Brooks but God wanted a deeper meaning which was Destiny Purpose Blessed my job is to help people find their Destiny and Purpose so they can be Blessed.
Our current venture is to take all entertainment aspects like movies, music, videos, and publications and infuse cutting-edge techniques and technology to bring the kingdom of God to everyone in a never before experience.
How do you approach the songwriting process?
I approach it by listening to music and see if God gives me anything while I listen to it. When I write music I think about what I have gone through or others have or current events that affect us all.
If I don’t feel what I am writing no one else will either so the words I do end up writing cause people to really feel the message that I am singing to them and all my messages are Christ-centered.
What inspires you to create music?
The love I have for God and the responses from fans and strangers about how my songs have changed their lives.
Tell us about your current radio single, “Undefeated 3.0. (Radio Edit)”
“Within the last few years, we have all gone through many life-changing situations. Some losing their lives from COVID-19, random shootings, violence, addiction, and many social issues.
This song, UNDEFEATED is the anthem of survival, and is a representation that we have made it through all of this by being undefeated, the hook in the song is infectious and ignites undefeated within us”.
What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your music career, and how have you overcome them? Showing my love to everyone and being taken advantage of that as people know that is what I am about and overcoming the fact that people are people and I love them all regardless of what they do to me, just like Jesus did.
What is your biggest strength as a musician, and how do you leverage it in your work? Being able to minister to everyone, not just the young or the old but to everyone so my message gets out to the masses.
What do you consider to be your most successful song or project, and why?
“Brighter Day: and “Feels So Good Today” because Brighter Day went #15 on the Billboard charts and Feels So Good Today is the 2 times most added to the Billboard charts and played on mainstream radio stations along with songs from Justin Timberlake and others.
How do you stay current with trends and changes in the music industry, and how do you adapt your work accordingly?
I look at social media, current news, and trends happening in order to adapt and keep current with everyone and society.
Can you describe a time when you worked collaboratively with other musicians or producers?
Sitting in the basement of “Rock N Roll Hall a famer” Bootsy Collins in his home along with his son Ouiwey Collins who’s been my producer for years. I have also collaborated with Canton Jones on a few songs.
How do you handle criticism or negative feedback about your work?
I can handle it well if it is constructive and makes me better not just someone saying it for the sake of saying it.
Please give us a sneak peek at the upcoming album you’re working on. Any tour plans?
UNDEFEATED 3.0 has about 14 songs which were done with my dream producer and I believe all are hits, we would like to have an UNDEFEATED TOUR soon as I believe all of the songs on the album have messages the world needs to hear.
Along with the Album is a 23-minute short film and a picture book, the first of its kind which celebrates my 30-plus years of living a life UNDEFEATED, Undefeated is more than an album its a movement coming soon to all.