Amanda Danziger Releasing Songs Of The Seasons; Next Up Is Spring: “Prison Walls”
“Prison Walls” is the second installment of Amanda Danzigers’s 2022 project, Seasons. “Prison Walls” tells the story of breaking out from the inside and worshiping in God’s promised land. Written by Amanda Danziger and Filipe Michael, the listener will experience an anthem of God’s salvation.
“When we surrender ourselves fully, we are at peace and in full trust with God. What we do here on earth can shake mountains,” Danziger explains. “I can either sit here and let the world entrap me, or I can do something about it and share God’s love. What would you choose? Being stuck within the walls or walking out of the rubble? I would rather stand up and walk free! Surrendering is just the first part to an eternal walk with God. God promises beauty from the ashes… He rescues, redeems and hears our cries. And because of this promise, I will rise up and sing.”
“Prison Walls” is a story of healing and breakthrough, and a different spin on Spring. One may think of birds chirping, flowers growing, and maybe even Vivaldi’s Spring movement, but Danziger decided to take Spring into a different direction.
“We started the Seasons project with a song that was clearly about winter, ‘Vindicate.’ But, for the Spring song, I didn’t imagine singing birds, or the joy of a spring dance… I wanted it to rock. When the warm air starts to hit my skin for the first time after the long months of winter, my first reaction is to be outside — I want the walls to break down, and I want to be free,” Amanda says.

Amanda wrote “Prison Walls” with her childhood friend and frequent collaborator, Filipe Michael. Filipe currently co-writes with Amanda and still maintains the responsibility of producing the artistry. They started to get serious with working on her projects in 2019 with her first EP, Head & Heart.
Filipe continues, “Amanda and I have known each other since we were teenagers, always involved in leading worship at our local churches. We were those nerdy type of kids who wanted to be involved in every possible way when it came to leading worship in youth groups…whether it was helping with the overhead projector, inviting kids to youth group, passing out the programs. We lived, breathed and worshipped in our communities. I believe that’s what bonded our friendship over the years.”
“Because of our upbringings, we continue to be inspired and to share the gospel of Jesus through music. We write these songs together because worship is a journey that goes beyond the church pews,” Amanda explains. “This musical journey is devotional — its devotional worship. Devotional worship starts when you worship God in your quiet space. These songs are written for the person who is looking for music that’ll take them into this journey.”
The Seasons project started with the first release of winter, “Vindicate,” on January 21, 2022. The second installment, “Prison Walls” (Spring) will release on April 29, 2022. All the seasonal songs will then be released under her Seasons EP in the Fall of 2022. The EP will explore the sounds and changes of the seasons, along with the tracks previously released.