[Album] Heart Cry of a Pilgrim – Leonel Emeka Orji
Leonel Emeka Orji, a worshipper and a creative releases his first music album titled HEARTCRY OF A PILGRIM.
HEARTCRY OF A PILGRIM is a compilation of songs that are heart cries emanating from Leonel’s walk with God in different seasons of his life through this journey of faith in Christ Jesus but also relates to every believer’s walk with God in different seasons of life; and the need for every believer to be and remain in God, through personal relationship and intimacy with Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit and seeking His kingdom and His righteousness in all things. It consists of 12 tracks and is now available on all digital stores.
Songs like “Pilgrim” from the album, admonishes and exhorts believers to keep faith reminding followers of Christ that though we are in this world, we are not of this world and to continue to keep our gaze on the Lord Jesus Christ.