25+ Artists “Band Together” For Benefit Christmas Album Release
PITTSBURGH, PA – November 4, 2022 – The first-ever, “A Very Yinzer Christmas,” featuring tracks by more than 25 Pittsburgh music icons will be released worldwide on November 18th, 2022 on Pittsburgh-based MTS Records. The album includes legendary Pittsburgh artists who have reached national prominence, as well as the best musicians that the ‘Burgh has to offer. The collection will benefit kids and adults from Band Together Pittsburgh – all who live on the autism spectrum. Several Band Together members are also featured on the album.
Artists include The Skyliners, Donnie Iris, Joe Grushecky, Pete Hewlett, Scott Blasey of The Clarks, Jeff Jimerson (Penguins’ National Anthem Singer), Joe Wodarek (The Stickers), Miss Freddye, Nied’s Hotel Band, and many more! A complete artist listing is available at https://yinzerchristmas.com/download/.

“The talent in the Pittsburgh area is incredible and spans generations. I want to celebrate all the talent we have in the city while doing something meaningful for some great people from Band Together Pittsburgh,” said organizer and Executive Producer, Joe Wodarek.
“A Very Yinzer Christmas” benefit concert event will also take place at the Carnegie of Homestead Music Hall, 510 E. 10th Ave., Munhall, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 6:30 p.m. Download cards for the new album and tickets to the live show are available for purchase beginning via www.yinzerchristmas.com.
Band Together Pittsburgh is a non-profit 501(c3) with a mission is to enrich the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum, through participation, education and mentorship, using the power of music. Learn more about Band Together Pittsburgh and its autism-friendly music programs at www.bandtogetherpgh.org.