Download Mp3: He’s Alive – Travis Ryan

Multi-Dove Award-nominated, ASCAP recognized No. 1 hit-songwriter and recording artist, Travis Ryan is back with new music. Travis’ new single titled “He’s Alive” is available now to download/stream.

Today is Good Friday! Today we remember the death, sacrifice, and murder of Jesus Christ. He became sin who knew no sin to be our salvation and life! This day is wild, beautiful, and gruesome. I pray that you remember your sin, and if you follow the way of Jesus, I pray you will remember your Savior who hung on a rugged wooden cross and bled and died willingly. He is the resurrection and the life. Jesus died, He was buried, and three days later, He did the impossible; Jesus rose from the dead! He walked out of His grave and triumphed over death. Our reality today is that Jesus is alive! He is not here, he is risen! He’s Alive! -Travis Ryan

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