Download Mp3: Able God – Possible Vincent & Dynamics Ft. Mr. M

Possible Vincent is a renowned, versatile gospel music artiste known for his professional delivery and prolific composing of spirit-filled songs. His latest album tilted Omeluora and his last single Nanigi Kam Nga-Efe (My Allegiance) is a global sound on all digital platforms that has blessed lives with various testimonies recorded from listeners.

Talking about the song Able God (what God cannot do does not exist) that featured one of the fast-rising music minister Mr M, is a song that is full of revelational abilities of what God can do for those that put their full trust in him.

The song was inspired by some of the teachings and miracles that have been recorded by Pastor Jerry Eze on the account of his morning fire prayers at NSPPD showing the world that our God is still in the business of performing miracle and of a truth that want God can not do does not exist.

Open up your spirit to receive your own miracle as you listen to this song.

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Download Mp3 : Omelu Ora – Possible Vincent Ft. Ema Onyx

Omelu Ora is a song by Possible Vincent featuring talented gospel artiste, Ema Onyx a writer of a well-known song (You no dey use me to play).

Omelu Ora describes God’s attributes as a Benevolent God, the song was inspired by God’s love towards mankind, that even while we were still sinners he loved us. This song is an encouragement to every Christian that is expecting an answer from God and it feels like is not forthcoming, but if God can show his love to the sinners that despise him by allowing the rain and the sun to fall and shine on every creature, that God will surely answer his beloved and will give us all we deserve at his appointed time. Omelu Ora was Produced by Sunny Pee.

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