[Music] My Confidence – Local Sound
Local Sound introduce their second post-EP single called ‘My Confidence.’ As they gear up towards a new project releasing this summer, the Nashville-based band and house church movement keep teasing us with songs that capture the essence of their community’s deep love of Jesus and each other.
‘My Confidence’ is a response when fear and anxiety come knocking at our door, such as when covid broke out and many experienced these disturbing emotions, including some of Local Sound’s band members. This new song emerged to encourage and teach from the inside out, pushing listeners into the arms of God, a safe place where confidence can be found when all else fails.

Singer Alexis Butcher points out that, “in order to place Christ as our confidence and foundation, [we] have to surrender everything into His hands and trust that He is good.” ‘My Confidence’ features a beautiful slow pop soundscape and is as catchy as it is profoundly hopeful. With their new single, Local Sound nudge us to embrace the beauty available in surrender.