[Music] Bird’s Eye View – Matthew Parker & Jacob Stanifer

Today, pop artists Matthew Parker & Jacob Stanifer release their new single “Bird’s Eye View” available on all digital service providers via DREAM Records.  This fun, pop track brings up the question of wisdom and the desire to understand more of God.  It also brings a bigger picture concept of wonder.  The song was produced by Matthew Parker.

“Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you knew everything? Well, God does. Our new song “Bird’s Eye View” is about asking God to give us a perspective that is much closer to what he sees–the proverbial “bigger picture”. When you’re standing with your feet on the earth, you have a limited view of what’s ahead of you, but if you can get a “bird’s eye view”, you can see what’s ahead and have a much deeper, wiser perspective. As the lyrics say, “I just want to see the world like you, [with your] bird’s eye view.“ – Matthew Parker

Following his #2 Billboard Christian Hot AC / CHR song, “Roses”, “Bird’s Eye View” is currently available to Christian Hot AC and Hot CHR formats and will be going for adds February 6th.

Listen or Buy “Bird’s Eye View” now.

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[Music] Roses – Matthew Parker & Sajan Nauriyal

Matthew Parker and Sajan Nauriyal release their new track “Roses” (DREAM Records) available on all digital platforms today.  The song was produced by Matthew Parker.  This perfect summertime sing-a-long song focuses on looking at the bright side of life.  As the world climbs its way out of the pandemic, this feel good song will give you pause to celebrate the reason for living.

“‘Roses’ is about slowing down and taking the time to appreciate the good things in life, or metaphorically, to stop and smell the roses. This may sound like such a small thing, but it’s actually so important. If you don’t appreciate the  blessings you’ve been given and focus only on the negative things that happen in your life, it can lead you to very dark places. It makes a world of difference to stop and smell the roses and learn to find the hope in every situation.” – Matthew Parker

The song was recently sent to Hot CHR and the Billboard Christian Hot AC / CHR formats and was in the most added and most increased spins category three weeks straight.  It can be heard on WNFA-FM Port Hurton, MI; WLJW-FM Traverse City-Petoskey, MI; WYPH-FM Hartford, CT; WHRZ-FM Spartanburg, SC; KPUL-FM Des Moines, IA; WORQ-FM Green Bay, WI; WHMX-FM Bangor, ME; KXOJ2 Tulsa, OK; SparkFM Chicago, IL; WBHY-FM Mobile, AL; and Hot 95.9 Orlando, FL to name a few.

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