The Promise of Eternal Life: How Belief in Jesus Christ Offers Hope for the Future

Have you ever witnessed a lady getting engaged to the love of her life? The joy on her face as she looks on with giddy excitement at her lover as she nods her yes to him. Her happiness is so palpable that you can feel it. 

Someone I know said she couldn’t sleep on the night of her engagement. Why? She was gobsmacked that sleep eluded her. It was not that she had already gotten married, but the ring was the assurance of the promise that she was going to spend the rest of her life with her lover and that all the years she had invested in the relationship were not a waste of time. It was all worth it in the end.

If you are a believer in Christ, then it is safe to say that you are like the lady that is engaged to her lover.  When we believed in Jesus Christ, we became engaged to him and we eagerly await his return. 

Then, we will have the marriage feast of the Lamb where we will feast at his table and behold him face to face. We will finally be joined to Him as one – Christ and His bride (the Church).

 Just like long-distance relationship lovers always anticipate the time they will be reunited with each other, we look forward to the day Christ will return. Even when we die or lose our loved ones, we have this hope that life on earth is not all that there is. We have the promise of eternal life and that is our assurance.

Jesus Christ didn’t just leave us with a promise, he put a ring on it by sealing the promise of his return with the Holy Spirit. Do you remember how elated you felt as you surrendered your life to him and received the Holy Spirit? Do you recollect the calm you had as his presence filled you up? 

He did this so that we can have peace in this lifetime and hope in the life to come. For “if our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men” (1 Cor 15: 19). 

Therefore, we have the guarantee of immortality, and not only that, we are victorious over death because for us death is not doom. Rather, it is a transition to a glorious life.

If you could do anything to be immortal, wouldn’t you do it? This promise of eternal life is not a sham. Jesus will never break your heart or make you date him for donkey years only to go and marry another person. 

He keeps His word and all you have to do to have this life is to believe in Him and surrender the entirety of your life to His lordship. What a way to insure your today and your future. The life He has in store for you in eternity is one with no sorrow, pain, sickness or death. 

It is one of beauty, peace, enjoyment and unending joy – the real soft life. You will never have to be separated from your loved ones or your lover ever again.

If you have known him, then you’re most fortunate and if you’re yet to know him, what are you waiting for? What shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul? In this life that is full of uncertainties, Jesus remains the only constant. 

He is what everyone needs and His arms are always wide open to everyone who wishes to come to Him. If you do life with him, you have nothing to lose. Today, he knocks at the door of your heart. Won’t you open up and invite him in?

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