[Music] Anything To Bless Your Heart – Crossroads Music

Crossroads Music seeks the heart of God in their new single, Anything To Bless Your Heart.

Produced by Dwayne Larring and written by Austin Livingood, Chris Smith, Erica Bostick and Robbie Reider, Anything To Bless Your Heart was penned with a posture of surrender to bless the heart of God.

“The song was written with this intent of being available for God’s intentions from the moment we wake up until we close our eyes again,” Livingood shares. “We want to chase after the things God thinks are worth pursuing. We want to be actively available at all times, through all things.”

Based on scriptures like Psalms 103, where David speaks to his soul to Bless the Lord, Anything to Bless Your Heart is an offering of surrender to the plans and purpose of God.

“Psalm 103 says, ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul’. That’s a way of saying I want everything in me, every part of me to bless the Lord. It’s not saying I get it right every day or hit that nail every day. It’s saying I want everything I am to be a blessing to the Lord,” says Justin Mosteller. “One morning, I wrote down everything in front of me that day — every place I needed to be at every time. Then, at the very bottom of the page, I wrote, ‘What are you doing today, God? How can I bless Your heart?’ It reframed my entire day. I’m not a slave to, ‘What am I doing today? And how can I get through it?’ I can live freely for something greater to simply bless the Lord with all of me.”

And for Crossroads Music, that offering is more than a song, it’s a lifestyle that reflects the heart of their church community.

“At our church, there’s a saying that our senior pastor, Brian Tome has shared with us — it’s a saying he says right away upon waking: ‘God, whatever you have going on today I wanna be a part of it’,” Livingood shares. “To start your day off with such a simple and humble statement impacts the posture of the rest of your day because you’ve made an active decision to hand over the reins of your life.”

For more information on Crossroads Music, visit crsrdsmusic.com. Listen to Anything To Bless Your Heart here.

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[EP] Conquered Grave – Crossroads Music

To celebrate Good Friday and Easter this year, Crossroads Music announces the release of their EP, “Conquered Grave.” This EP will feature four songs: “Conquered Grave,” “We Say Yes,” “God of the Breakthrough” and “That Name.”

The Crossroads Music team strategically released this EP on Good Friday as a timely reminder that Jesus conquered the grave and reigns victorious over death! In 2020, only a few weeks into quarantine, Austin Livingood, Dustin Smith (from Here Be Lions) and Robbie Reider penned the lyric, “Death has died, crushed by nail-pierced hands,” as a reminder that our ultimate struggle has already been laid to rest by what Jesus did on the Cross.

Little did they know that those lyrics would become the anthem for Crossroads Church this Easter. They are eagerly looking forward to having their community sing out, “Every day we wake to a conquered grave,” to celebrate Easter this weekend!

Co-writer, Austin Livingood, said “This album is a constant reminder of the reason I have new mercies every morning. I have a reason to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Sometimes I tend to focus so much on Jesus dying on the cross, that I forget about the conquered grave and the freedom and joy that comes with it. The cross is important, but the cross without the grave means nothing.”

One of the featured songs on the EP, “God of the Breakthrough,” is an anthem written out of desperation to have God intervene in impossible situations. The Crossroads Music team had seen people in their community go through maddening life circumstances: cancer treatments, heart attacks, surgeries and friends passing away.

Regarding “God of the Breakthrough,” Livingood said, “When we wrote this song, our church was going through a difficult season. We started chasing down an idea, and in the middle of the session, we got an email that one of our Executive Pastors had a heart attack. It completely changed everything. We immediately prayed, and I was reminded of these lines I had just written a few days ago:

“God of the breakthrough
Your promises stand true
You haven’t failed us yet.”

That was all I had, and from there, we built a song of petition for God to show up. Time and time again since writing this song, it has served as a reminder that when I have nowhere else to go, I go to a place of surrender.”

Director of Crossroads Music, Robbie Reider, said, “When we have nowhere else to go, we want God near; His presence can change everything. Though it may not be specific results, it can change the posture of our heart, mind and spirit towards Him. This song is a reminder to us that though we don’t have all the answers in life, we can always depend on his presence being near to us in broken times, to hold onto his faithfulness. This song is as much an invitation to the miraculous as it is miraculous that we can have God to lean on in times of hardship.”

The Crossroads Music team wants this album to be something that doesn’t just produce self-reflection and somberness…but is a cause for celebration! Their hope is that this Easter weekend, the church will celebrate and have confidence in the fact that Jesus paved a way to life.

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[Music Video] Conquered Grave – Crossroads Music

Crossroads Music announces the release of their newest single, “Conquered Grave.” Written by Austin Livingood, Dustin Smith (from Here Be Lions) and Robbie Reider and produced by Chad Carouthers, “Conquered Grave” will be featured on the upcoming Conquered Grave EP along with three additional songs scheduled to release on Good Friday, April 2.

Although the song is timely with Easter right around the corner, it is a needed daily reminder — that Jesus conquered the grave and reigns victorious over death! Robbie Reider, the Director of Crossroads Music, said, “I may be the only one who needs a reminder that Jesus conquered death every morning…but I don’t think so. When I have a fresh reminder of His power and authority it changes how I walk through my day. To the degree that we believe, not simply know, that Jesus is more powerful than death, is the degree that we’ll walk in freedom.”

Only a few weeks into quarantine Austin Livingood, Dustin Smith and Robbie Reider met via zoom to write what would become Crossroads Church’s Easter “victory over death” anthem. From Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, they battled video lag and buffering to pen the lyric, “Death has died, crushed by nail-pierced hands” as a reminder to each follower that our ultimate struggle has already been laid to rest by what Jesus did on the Cross.

The arrangement took form as the veteran worship leaders created the rise and fall, the tension and release that they wanted to lead their communities through. They’re excited to have these words on the lips of their community this Easter; “Every day we wake to a conquered grave.” These words root us deeply in the belief that Jesus is in fact the “Author of freedom.”

Co-writer, Austin Livingood, said, “When the global pandemic shut down everything in March 2020 and we were in quarantine, it was wild to wake up to what felt like the same day over and over again. Easter was approaching, and I remembered a different idea I had that turned into this song. The overarching theme was regardless of me waking up to the same day over and over again, I also wake up to the same hope and mercy every morning. Every day I wake up to a conquered grave and a defeated death. I don’t need four cups of coffee in the morning to get excited about that!”

The Crossroads Music team’s hope for the church is that this isn’t something to just be self-reflective and somber over, but that we can celebrate and have confidence in the fact that Jesus paved a way to life that’s just ahead of us. We don’t have to be paralyzed by our broken past but can have momentum in our relationship with God and the world because of Jesus dying and coming back to life. The cross is pivotal in the gospel story, but the cross without a conquered grave means nothing.

It’s all about Jesus and they are honored and humbled that they get to be a part of what He is doing in the church — at Crossroads, and the global Church.

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